She Said Yes, by the Way

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It was in the morning when Remus finally woke up in the hospital wing. His memories of the previous night were a bit hazy.

     Every time on the night of a full moon, only a few hours before his transformation, Madam Pomfrey would help Remus through the Whomping Willow and all the way toward the Shrieking Shack.

Meanwhile, Sirius, James, and Peter would be hiding nearby outside the Whomping Willow, waiting for Madam Pomfrey to leave.

They would wait for Remus's transformation to be completed, before turning into their Animagi forms and joining him in the Shrieking Shack. Although each morning, the three boys would wake up at sun rise to leave the Shrieking Shack before Madam Pomfrey came to bring Remus back to the hospital wing.

"Oh, good. You're awake." Said Madam Pomfrey, she had just opened the hospital wing's doors, walking inside with a Potion in hand.

"Here, drink this," She said with a kind smile.

The moment the familiar scent of the disgusting potion reached his nostrils, he made gagging noise in disgust.

"Every time." Madam Pomfrey sighed shaking her head. "One might think you'd gotten used to the smell by now."

"The taste is even worse. Believe me," Remus said, drinking the potion with difficulty. He felt a bit of the pain in his body ease the moment his swallowed it, his bones still ached from the night before.

"Hmm... that's odd," Madam Pomfrey mused, studying Remus's face and then his arms.

"What is it?" Remus questioned, raising a brow.

"No new wounds," Madam Pomfrey acknowledged.

This was in fact very odd, because each full moon, Remus would end up with bite and scratch marks all over his body.

     Remus would bite himself in order to prevent himself from attacking anyone.

   Madam Pomfrey was indeed right, when Remus looked down, he didn't find any fresh wounds.

     He knew the reason behind this was because James, Sirius, and Peter kept him company the previous night, and he was too distracted to hurt himself.

"Well, you better get some rest," Madam Pomfrey said after her routine checkup.

Remus gave her a little appreciating smile.
"Thank you."

"Finish your potion," Madam Pomfrey said with authority before making her way out of the hospital wing, closing the doors behind her.

Just as the doors closed James, Sirius, and Peter appeared inside the ward from underneath James's Invisibility Cloak.

"Hello, Moony," Sirius said with a grin as the three of them made their way toward his bed.

"What are you guys doing here?" Remus asked in surprise.

"Came to see our favorite werewolf, of course," James said, winking at him.

"We've been waiting outside the ward under the Cloak for so long," said Peter with a tired expression. "We had to wait for Madam Pomfrey to open the door before"

"She nearly saw our feet, though," said Sirius grumpily. "We all had to crouch down."

"And whose fault is that?" James retorted as he tucked the Invisibility Cloak in his bag before tossing his bag to the floor. "You've gotten too tall over the summer, Padfoot. We all barely fit under it, thanks to you."

But Sirius seemed completely unbothered by this.

"Thanks for coming, guys. But you should go. I don't want you to miss breakfast because of me," Remus said, but the three boys only smiled.

   "Not to worry, Moony. We've got it all covered," said James, before looking over at Peter. "Wormtail, if you will."

     Peter then dug into his bag, taking out a large lunchbox, it was filled to the top with bacon and toast.

"We paid a little visit to the kitchen before coming up here," said Sirius, as he chuckled to himself.

"Now move your arse, Moony. I wanna sit down. 'Been waiting outside the ward for too long, my feet hurt," said James, sitting beside Remus on the bed.

Sirius followed his action, sitting on Remus's other side, having to squeeze against one another so they wouldn't fall off of the bed. Peter handed out the Butterbeer bottles before taking his seat at the end of the bed.

     They had placed the lunchbox in the middle of the bed, so that they could all take what they wanted out of it.

"Ugh, what's that smell." James grimaced, until his eyes fell on the potion in Remus's hand. "Get that thing away from me."

He then took the bottle out of Remus's hand and placed in on the nightstand, handing Remus a bottle of Butterbeer.

"Now this is gonna make you feel better," James said as he took a sip of his own drink.

Remus smiled and shook his head. The truth was that he had actually started to feel better ever since his friends had shown up at the hospital wing.

"She said yes, by the way." Sirius said out-of-the-blue, taking a large sip of his drink.

"Who?" Peter questioned in confusion.

"Who do you think?" said James, giving him a look as though it should've been obvious.

"Ivy Malfoy, of course."

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