Hurry up, or we will be caught. "Don't worry just for a few minutes, I came to give you this", Limka said smiling and looking at me with those big light brown eyes of his. Limka and I have been dating in secrets for two months now, I honestly can't recall when or how I started liking him. A lot of things attracted me to him, his playfulness, his cuteness, and how strong and brave he is. I still remember the first day I saw him with his long brown and white striped, tight curly hair, hunting alongside his group of friends, even though I am not allowed to go outside the border. I am happy I did that day. Irrespective of the animosity between our clans we still can't turn a blind eye to what we feel. "Okay, okay thanks",I said to him. "I really love you laurel", "I do too". We both said to each other. Looking deep into each other's eyes and savouring the moment, wishing we do not have to go our separate ways and always have to meet in secret. At last we said our goodbyes and decided to meet each other tomorrow at our usual spot just a few metres away from our borders.*******************************************
Misterdan was a land full of mysteries and unity, nothing like division, hatred and greed existed. Every corner, home, street and room was filled with love, laughter and peace. Even though there were two clans it seemed like they were one,irrespective of their physical appearances. The Greenland clan and the Hunters clan they were. They had different responsibilities and commitments to their clans and to Misterdan as a whole. Everyone in Misterdan belonged to a clan and had a certain role to play in the overall development of their home.These people were happy being who they were and they accepted each of their talents and ties. Being part of the Hunter's or Greenland clan was not determined by the parents one was born into. There have been several occurrences where a Hunters Clan member was born into a green Clan family or a Greenland member born into a Hunter clan family. Irrespective of this, every parent's dream is for their child to belong to their clan.
When a child is born their membership to a clan is not determined until the child is 16. When a child reaches 8 years old they are taught skills of both clans to prepare them for whatever clan they will be chosen into. When they are 16 there is a special ceremony held to know which clan they belong to. The child or group of children are taken to Misterdan's gathering area which is in the middle of Misterdan and there they have to stand gradually in succession to the half flower and half spare painting as their symbol representing the role of each clan. There, each 16 year old standing on this design is given a round globe that has the city of Misterdan in it. This globe is regarded as the sun god's source of wisdom and direct connection to them. From their history While holding it, if that child belongs to the Greenland clan their ears will lengthen and form a sharp curve making elf ears, their hair colour changes to bright silvery white with ocean blue thin highlights, their eye colours are that of silver, grey, ocean blue and in rare cases lime green and if they are part of the Hunters clan their hairs stretches out becoming longer and turn into long tight curls(their hair colour varies, but it is mostly brown), they normally have brown black or royal blue eyes. Inter-marriages between the two clans is common and when a child is being chosen for a particular clan doesn't mean they should leave their parents home the only difference is they now do activities and have an obligation to do routines and play their part of the clan they are in. In very few extreme cases when the sun God wants to choose a wise woman she does not possess the ability and appearance of one clan but of both clans. The wise one is always a female because females are believed to have a compassionate and welcoming soul, they love and have patience for others around them.
The Hunter's clan managed and were in charge of hunting(they caught game and were in charge of its preservation and distribution. No matter how small Everyone had a taste of what they called 'the forest's goodness'), building structures(they naturally had talents for constructing beautiful and unique structures, everyone in Misterdan had their home or houses built in unique style),jewellery making and furniture(with vast natural material accessible to them, they make use of them by creating jewelry with minerals from the soil provided by the sun God and also design furnitures, appliances and utensils needed in their homes).
while the Greenland clan dealt with minerals(they mined the minerals the Hunter's Clan inturn use for jewelry production), agriculture(they provide plant based food and handle its distribution as well), animal care(They care for livestock and rear animals, used for consumption as well), medicines(They harvest leaves used by the wise woman to create medicinal concoctions used by people in Misterdan), art(create artworks featuring the beauty of Misterdan using localized materials), clothings(use fibre plants and other material from animals and herbs for clothing production) and a bunch of other stuff.
They all lived happily and peacefully with three elders from the hunters clan and three elders from the green clan leading Misterdan. Until one day when the discovery of the Opal led to its divis..............
The Opal Of Misterdan
Genel KurguIn a beautiful land where magic is not used or accepted, magic is discovered and it causes chaos and helps too but also leading to the break off of the two clans living in Misterdan. Greed and fear begirds the heart of the two clans and a forbidden...