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- Why did you choose acting? asked Hussein, with a kind smile.

I chuckled, feeling the weight of the question settle on my shoulders. It was one I got often, mostly because people reduced it to pretending while I loved the intricacies of building a whole inner universe to become someone else. I took a sip of my cocktail, taking a moment to gather my thoughts.

- Honestly, I began, more reflective, to escape. When I play a character, I live in someone else's life for a while. It's like a break from my own inner world.

The room grew quieter as I spoke, the usual banter paused with my lower tone. I glanced at Shawn next to me, who was watching me with an intensity that made me feel weirdly exposed. Chloe nodded, her expression thoughtful.

- Sometimes it's easier to deal with someone else's life than your own, Shawn contributed.
- Yeah... I continued, The irony is, in trying to become someone else, I end up learning more about who I am.

Before anyone could respond, the doorbell rang, saving me from another silence. Chloe stood up, heading to the door.

- Must be Tessa, Jon said.

I met Shawn's eyes again, noticing his arm casually draped over the back of my chair. Jon's girlfriend Tessa walked in, her cheeks flushed from the cool night air. She carried a tray of beautifully decorated pastries.

- Sorry I'm late, Tessa apologized, setting the tray down on the table. There was a terrible accident on the highway. Traffic was backed up for ages.
- No worries, you're just in time
, Hussein said, smiling warmly. We were about to start a game.

He stood up, clapping his hands to gather everyone's attention. We watched him come to life, it was clear that being a master of ceremony was his favorite role.

- Alright, we're going to play a betting game. We'll divide into two teams. Each round, one player from each team will go head-to-head. They'll be given a word, and the goal is to get their team to guess it.

Hussein paused, with a cheeky smile and his finger held up, holding us in the suspense.

- But here's the catch: the players will bet on the number of words they need to give their team clues. Whoever bets the lowest gets to give their clues first. If they can't make their team guess with their bet, the other player gets a chance to steal.

Everyone seemed up for it, and we quickly divided into two teams, the girls versus the boys. Chloe and Jon were the first to face off, each of them confident. Hussein gave them his phone where he seemingly had a word generator app, and came back to sit with us, letting the betting began.

- I can do it in two words, Jon declared, determined.

Chloe smirked, raising an eyebrow.

- One, she countered.

Jon hesitated, then nodded.

- Alright, let's see it.

Chloe turned to Tessa and I, her face serious.

- Stripes.

Tessa turned to me, looking confused. Knowing we had one chance to guess, I tried to think about what other word Jon would have paired it with, to assure the win for his team.

- Tessa, do you have a guess, I whispered.
- None, I already know I will be bad at this.

I thought about it a bit longer, trying to read another hint in my best friend's eyes. She was biting on her lips, holding herself from shouting another clue for sure. Chloe began to nod her head at me, as if I was on the right track, even though I had nothing in my head.

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