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I came back to the villa with Romeo. I don't know how or when but I ended up in his room. In his bed.

And most importantly, in his arms.

We were laying there in each others arms for a while, talking about some stupid things. He was naked and I was wearing only my white lingerie that I put back on me in the morning.

– I really missed having you around, Strom – he whispered out of the blue, looking straight into my eyes. Our faces were just a few centimetres apart.

I missed him too. Without any feelings, of course. Just friends with benefits and I hope he knew that.

– I missed you too, Romeo – I whispered back and pecked his lips a few times.

And then the door of his room opened wide.

We both frowned and I pushed him away from me, covering myself with the white duvet.

Lando just stood there looking at us with confusion. He was just wearing some grey sweatpants. His chest was fully exposed. He looked like he didn't sleep at night.

But confusion swiftly changed into rage as he looked at Romeo for a little bit longer.

– What the fuck? You were supposed to be my friend and you were fucking with her the entire time! – he yelled and threw his phone at Romeo.

He took the phone into his hands and we both looked at it. It was a little bit blurred picture of him and a blonde girl in the club. They were definitely kissing. He swiped for the next picture and he was in a different place but with the same girl. And by the look on Romeo's face, he knew he fucked up.

It was Prim. It wasn't just two pictures. It was a full album of them.

– Mate, it was long time ago. It was a mistake – he sighed and put Lando's phone aside.

He looked like a beaten dog while Lando was holding himself not to punch him.

– You two were fucking when I was away! When you had a girlfriend you sweared you loved so much! You two were fucking whenever you could and then you were asking me to go out partying with you? What the fuck? – he laughed sarcastically. His voice was full of anger and disappointment.

– How... How did you even find out? – Romeo whispered with his head down.

I was just there, looking at the scene in front of me. I was just a spectator.

– The girl from yesterday sent me those photos. You can fuck off now and leave. I don't want to see your face near me and my friends again – Lando almost spat at him and then looked at me like I was some kind of a whore. – And you can go with him. I thought you were better than that – he shook his head with disgust.

Wait, why am I still there?

– Oh no, I am better – I mumbled and got up, I didn't care that I was only in my lingerie.

I mean, I was still a little bit drunk.

I walked up to Romeo's side and slapped his face. He deserved that. He knew that I wasn't a fan of cheating. I hated cheaters and he was one of them.

– Don't you ever try to talk to me, you disgusting piece of shit – I said straight into his eyes, as he was massaging his cheek.

And then I turned around to see Lando looking at my body with widen eyes. He was scanning my body from head to toes and then looked back at my face with raised brows.

Written in Books [ENG] | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now