第一章: Lost Robes

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header image: ambience art by The Vault of Ambience (ytube)

              The river runs cool against my bare skin. Here in the far oakwood, the air grows peacefully silent and the currents take their time to rest. The water reflects turquoise hues and misty blue fog surrounds the forest. I hear the very faint sounds of oak dew dropping into the river, like the pure sound of souls who cleanse their sins, if they can speak and greet a good morning.

I cup a handful of fresh water and bring it upon my lips, indulging in the taste of a summer's day. The river water that feels cold upon the lips and cool upon the throat, a hint of nectar and last season's rainwater, is something I hope I'll never take for granted. When I was younger, we were taught not to taste river waters, for we never know when nature spills its poison. Luckily, I am now a healer, and a healer always keeps her antidotes.

I scrub and admire the oakwood and the sun, watching as the trunks glow and become their best character, the rays of light sneaking subtly against the fog and travelling in straight lines. Lost in visiting thoughts and becoming a muse of one's reflection, I almost enter the state of dissolving until a few other female fairies arrive. They have arrived to soak themselves in white lily petals, giggling and gossiping about this and thereabouts. I keep still in my own corner and pretend to mind my own body, while secretly listening attentively so that I, too, can grasp a few new and important news I should take note of.

"Have you seen the new kid in the academy?"

"No, I haven't! But everyone's been talking about how attractive he is!"

"There's no point in doting such a guy. Haven't you heard? He's the eldest son of the ancient Lü family. Named after 'river tears', naturally he will win the next noble role of the river guardian. How pitiful that a guardian cannot be entwined in the business of romance..."

"Business of romance..." and splashing laughter fills the air. How I miss living those times, openly fancying somebody and letting everyone know. I am past my days of leaving cake and love letters in dear crush's mailbox. I take a deep breath and slowly sink myself into the river, the happy noises of freshmen transitioning into a muted medium of the universe, hoping to achieve a sense of silence.

I must've fallen asleep underwater, because when I woke and rose onto the surface, the group of hormonal fairies have gone. Consciously feeling cold, I exit the river to dry myself on the lands, but reaching over to grab my drying cloth hung upon a low oak branch, a monkey peeks out. One monkey, then two, and three. Hey! Soon, it has become a tug of war between me and them, but I'm sure I'll win my robe at least. Just as I thought I'm close to victory, the tiniest monkey jumps onto my fist and crawls up my shoulder. Just what do you think of doing, little naught?

Boop, and there it is, a monkey's finger poking on my nipple.

              Boop, and there it is, a monkey's finger poking on my nipple

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