第二章: Royal News

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header image: Xinzou village ambience by Mood Scores (ytube)

header image: Xinzou village ambience by Mood Scores (ytube)

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ambience art by Athena IV (ytube)

"What brings you here?" I ask Lei as we climb down the footsteps of the temple, going home for good this time.

"I was praying when I heard you humming to High Mountains and Flowing Waters, so I went out to look for you."

"Oh, sorry for interrupting."

"No, it's alright, I only heard you because I finished praying anyway."

"I see. What were you praying for? I owe you, after all."

"You think you can grant my prayers, silly? Ha, no such thing you can do, and it's a secret!"

Guided by the direction of the cold river, I finally arrive at Xinzou village, where my family resides. I bid Lei goodbye and a see you soon, before he proceeds to make another mile until he reaches his residence.

Unlike in the academy, here I can already smell the fish from the market, the chattering of people's catching up, the sharp piping noise of children throwing tantrums from two blocks away; this is the boring but warm existence of home. This is when I wish dogs bubble instead of bark and babies giggle but not cry, or maybe we should start installing soundproof walls. Not forcing a smile, I take an easy breath in and feel grateful to know that if ever the world turns her back on me, I shall always have this place to call home, the people I call family, a rather not so perfect a place to return to, but it will welcome me for eternity.

Admiring the corners of my house which is very much alive – my fourth sister trying to chase down my third youngest sister from atop the roof, my other elder sisters and Mama doing each other's hair across the windows of her bedroom, my younger sisters walking about and sulking about whatever – until Baba opens the door, still holding a very dead and big fish, that I am brought back to notice.

"Ou my Lian is home!!"


Suddenly everyone comes to the door and I run towards home and family, embracing each other in a big fish-skin group hug. "What takes you so long!" everyone says, despite knowing already the answer for my exploring habits.

"Baba! That's the biggest harvest yet! Did you catch it all by yourself?"

"Haha! She knows nothing yet! Tell her! Tell her!" Everyone shouted. Neighbours also seem to nod proudly at my father and congratulating our family as he skins the fish outside. Funny, I'm missing out on something.

"Ou lian, come with jiejie," my fourth sister pulls me out of the crowd, leaping us both onto the roof of the house, towards the side that does not face the neighbourhood, and we sit together away from prying eyes.

"Jiejie, what is it?" I ask impatiently.

She laughs, obviously finding joy in my cluelessness, "Jiejie wanted to write to you as soon as I got here and received the news, but that Su Hong Xian insisted you'd be busy on weekdays, so all of us decided it'll only be fair if all the sisters find out after they've returned home."

"Hong Xian jiejie? What about her? Oh heavens, is this about them! It's finally happening, isn't it!"

"Yes yes yes! It's exactly what you think it is! That down there is the legendary bluefin tuna! Thirty wagons were brought here this morning, each filled with at least eight plump bluefins, one for every household. I mean, I've never even seen one alive but right now Baba is grilling that soft delicate thing, so big it could last all of us a week!"

We both squeal in excitement before hands seal our mouths shut from behind, "Hahaha keep it down you guys, you're making me shy!" Well, as if you can tell us you're getting married to the prince and expect us to keep a low profile.

"Er jie, congratulations!" I try to make out the words although it sounds like inaudible mumbling; "Er jie, er jie," I hit her hand repeatedly so she'd let me go, only for her to release my fourth sister Fei Yue, and put her remaining hand onto my mouth. Now two hands are covering my mouth...

"Ou lian, it's the next news that we think is going to send you beyond the roof, promise not to scream and fall?"

I nod violently. Although distrustful, she lets me go.

"Tomorrow, Prince Liu and the royal family will be visiting us before I leave. Please do behave... But it's not just that," she looks at me happily, "Their kingdom is best known for their street markets and festivities. It just so happens that he bought twelve acres of empty Buzhou land and built an entire street market for our people, and last but not least, on Monday dawn, there will be a race. He has gathered twelve spirit animals to race themselves from Buzhou, halfway through the immortal realm, down and 'round the mortal grounds, and back up to complete the other half of immortal paths and back to the peak of Buzhou. It's his gift for us twelve sisters. The spirit animal who finishes first shall be bound wholeheartedly to and accompany Dong Hua jiejie, so on, and the last spirit animal to Su Dou Dou."

"Jiejie! That's so kind of your prince! I am so happy for you, jiejie! I am so happy for you, I cannot wait to visit the street market and see what items exist outside of Buzhou, and I cannot wait for the race! Oh, to have a spirit animal, jiejie! Does that mean everyone's coming to watch the race and the academy will be dismissed for the day? Yes!"

"Yes yes yes! Su sisters hug!!!"

"The oldest one here gets tickled!" says Fei Yue, and we give our worst tickles to Hong Xian, our to-be princess; the game never gets old.

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