第三章: Escort

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              I wake up when the dupa starts to change scents. In our household, apple cloves burn for daybreak until noon, lemongrass for noon until sunset, sandalwood for evening's twilight until bedtime, and lavender throughout the night (apple cloves have a fresh waking scent, lemongrass keeps you active, sandalwood has a calming effect, and lavender for a good night sleep).

Upon seeing Su Dou Dou's supernatural hanging body by the bed, I rush to pick her up before she falls and disappear. You little pig. The bedroom is empty. My other ten sisters must've risen already. There is the subtle clanking of teapot against teacup from the living room. The prince! Today is the day of the race! I must get ready.

Changing into my most presentable hanfu attire and putting my hair up with a hair pin, I take my youngest sister with me and announce myself towards the living room.

"There you are, dearest," Mama kisses my forehead and gently scoops Dou Dou from my embrace, "I'll take care of her. You greet the prince outside at the terrace. We'll make our way very soon."

              Outside, my sisters are already sitting on the same table with the prince, Hong Xian jiejie dressed beautifully as a princess should, and the

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Outside, my sisters are already sitting on the same table with the prince, Hong Xian jiejie dressed beautifully as a princess should, and the

rest of Su offering the prince their favourite snacks and making him choose which one is best, except for my eldest sister Su Dong Hua, who is treating the boatmen the same warmth and offering them water.

"Ou Lian, take out your favourite snack!"

Excited to win, I grab a small bag of sweetened radish cake from my pocket and offer it to the prince, "It's nice to meet you, Prince Liu, I look up to your service for our lands, and am thankful for your sincerity towards my sister and her family. I hope you enjoy my favourite radish cake best." The prince laughs happily and everyone follows suit, "What a warm family, I am relieved to see how such a kind family my bride has all these years, thank you for having me." I am happy for my sister – truly, immensely, so very happy to know she will be wed to this humble gentleman.

Princess Hong Xian leaves with the prince on his boat, while the rest of us follows behind, paddled by the prince's boatmen

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Princess Hong Xian leaves with the prince on his boat, while the rest of us follows behind, paddled by the prince's boatmen. The Buzhou people have risen as well, gathering to see the royal couple and making their way to witness the race. Throughout our short journey, we are celebrated with flower petals and jolly smiles.

At the Buzhou mountain, the two yellow beasts roam by the waterfalls and mountain peaks, watching carefully and becoming the judge of the contestants who have started the race. Passage of time between the mortal and immortal realms differ, making the race possible. Time goes slower on the ground, and quicker at the sky. While these animals are racing on human grounds, they may take days up to years, but when they have returned to Buzhou, it will only be fleeting hours for us.

Huge phoenix birds have assembled by the green frames of the mountain, hovering above under the scorching pearl light, letting the people rest under their shadow, to comfortably watch the show. A cloudy charm has been cast to let people sit on tiny fluffy clouds that have descended from the sky. The best chefs from near and distant Dahuang corners have been invited to attend the celebration, some of whom I instantly recognize – the red-haired young man who makes legendary pork broth ramen, and the lady with a pair of chopsticks crossed on her hair bun whose xiao long baos have unrivalled ginger taste. They have set up their working space on either side of the waterfall, serving their dish on lily pads and having them float steadily on the water, making way to guests who wish to taste a serving.

Upon arriving at the royal seats of the groom and bride's families, we indulge in gleeful conversations with each other and with the people, careful in exhibiting appropriate social norms as those being looked up to for the day. A lot of welcoming meals have been shared and praised, and I start to notice strings of magic cast onto the air.

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