第六章: Su Chuan writes the letter

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              It's finally Lunar New Year's Eve. The last few days have gone by tirelessly – people replacing their old wind chimes, putting on new charms for the house, painting their mailboxes red, and writing lucky songs to be sung on the day of the fireworks. Each and every family would have their own unique celebration for this grand festivity, but one thing unites us for sure, as is said in the saying, "May this Lunar New Year bring families together and put a smile on young children and young elders alike."

I sit by the attic's windowsill with my embroidery hoop, indulging myself in the coarse but soft sound of friction when I pull my needle against the cloth. As I look outside, I find myself adoring the red ribbons on our orange harvests bore by the tall orange tree. Oh, how I love this season of red and richness. Finishing my light brown thread, I take satisfaction from the cute rabbit I sewn and fold the robes neatly into the basket.

Hmmm, I start to sense the fragrant smell of chicken broth boiled over ginseng roots.

"Jiejie, what are you doing alone in the attic?" My seven-years-old sister, also one of the triplets, Su Chuan, asks halfway up the stairs.

"Nothing," I shrug.

"Do you know where Su Mu and Su Yin are? We're playing hide and seek. I can't find them since forever," sulks Su Chuan.

"Well, it's just me in the attic, but..." I look over to the window and spot a little Su Mu on the tree with her spirit monkey, "I can help you find them if you will learn lettering with me."

I like letters. I find a very authentic value in them, and it's something I want to pass on to my sisters: good penmanship and all. Su Chuan sits on my lap, and I guide her hand on the parchment paper, teaching her the proper hand pose and the important strokes, the hooks, the Piehs, and Na.

"Have you kept that in mind?"

"Yes, jiejie!" She turns her head to me and smiles radiantly, allowing me to pinch her cheek with awe. Growing up with a lot of sisters, I haven't had the time to spend equally with my younger ones. Sometimes you remember them as so much littler, when you realize they don't stay so little forever. I give her a smile with that kind of look she might understand when she becomes the older sister to Su Dou Dou.

"Alright then, come on! Shall we tickle Mu mu and Yin yin when we've found them?"

"Yes, we tickle!!"

Running down the stairs, we head towards the front terrace where Su Chuan hugs her spirit dog and they play for a long while. Telling her that Su Mu hides on the tree, she ragingly flies and attacks her sister from behind, a childlike laughter begging to be remembered when all this shall pass.

With a happy heart, I walk over to the river, hiding the letter in the safe and dry vacuum between the sheets of the robe.

"Dear river, kindly take this to Lei, and try not to get it wet, thank you!"


I never got to properly thank you that day. Thank you for the robes and for preventing my fall. I'm sorry I caused a hole on your robes, I hadn't realized. It must've acquired a scratch when I fell. I hope my needlework does its job of sewing it close. If ever sometime you need any help, I shall most sincerely be at your service.

Su Lian'ou

Su Lian'ou

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