第八章: The River Song

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              "The street market has opened today. Would it be acceptable if I take Su Lian out to see it with me? I heard Liangqu has quite the foreign collection of potion ingredients that might just be the discovery for us healers."

"Right, how could we forget! Isn't it Lunar Eve today? That marks the grand opening of the new street market, why don't we go together?" exclaims Fei Yue.

Mama shoots arrow eyes at Fei yue, "Hush, don't make the little ones excited, we haven't finished cleaning yet and it's almost sunset."

"Ayi, deep apologies for disturbing your family. It's okay, I was about to go alone anyway when I thought it'd be nice to invite a friend, it's no –" I cut Lei off before he gets even more awkward, "Mama, may I go? I'll get us firecrackers along the way. The neighbour's store ran out of them," I smile reasonably.

"You may go, Ou Lian. We'll catch up and see you later," Mama nods kindly, while Fei Yue sulks, proceeding to reprepare her charms. "Did you say your name was He Lei?" Mama turns to our guest,

"Don't let her stray from your sight. She wanders and gets herself in trouble often," Mama warns with concern.


"I know," Lei replies playfully.

I wait and fold a crane as Lei borrows the dressing room to change his dust-stained robes. He comes out wearing the ones I've just returned, clearly unhappy about the hare; I make a sorry face.

We walk to the nearest boat station and mount onto a crowded boat, two coins for each sitter. As soon as the boatman starts to paddle, a passenger picks up his dizi flute and motions for us to accompany him with singing. He begins his melody unaccompanied, a prelude to the song he will be playing. Mellow flute notes confront the hairs on our skin, reminding us of a tragic love story between a snake demon and a human snake hunter...

No one knew who wrote the song or when it was first sung, but everyone knew that this was the song they shared on the boat, a moment of bliss and ignorance before finding out that they don't belong with each other. Seven thousand years ago, the pair sailed past this river, our very river. The hunter sung to the disguised human form of the demon, and taught her the song. The boatman, too, listened and adored it, gladly passing it on for his next many passengers to listen. The story was said to end with the hunter admitting his love for the demon and dying to save her life from a destined fate, whilst the demon lives on, travelling in her immortal body to find the reincarnation of her lover.

It was a story that touched all of our hearts, and so the song was glorified throughout many generations – an old classic that's also deemed to be a worship song to the river. The River Song, so we call it.

Can't you see? The river flows to the east.

No one knows where it comes from, no one knows where it goes to.

Can't you see? The sun hangs over the city.

It disappears behind hills tonight, and rise again tomorrow morning.

Why bother yourself with those earthly affairs?

This floating life is just a dream.

Why bother yourself with those earthly affairs?

This floating life is just a dream.

      This floating life is just a dream

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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