第五章: Good Night

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              The snake finishes sixth and the horse seventh; the lamb comes in eighth, the monkey ninth, and the rooster in tenth. In eleventh place is the dog, who resumes his sad journey after his human person passed away. The pig never forgot about the dragon and listened to his advice to keep on going, crossing the finish line at last and putting the big race to its ultimate finish.

Everyone hurries home by twilight, exchanging smiles and laughter before realizing they haven't prepared their marinated meat. Soon, the striking stories of the race gets replaced with the common folk talking about and sharing recipes for the Lunar New Year.

When my family arrives at our sweet doorstep, with the prince having insisted to walk us home, we share bittersweet smiles and thank him for dedicating the race to us. Then, turning to Hong Xian, each of us give her our most heartfelt and sincere hug. Mama fetches a bag of her favourite snacks and ornaments, handing it to the princess and trying her best not to cry. The prince utters his farewell greetings and waits in the carriage to give a moment for the Su family.

"Don't cry, Mama. I'll be treated well in the palace. I'll have new clothes made especially according to my measurements. The palace chefs will serve me my cravings whenever I ask for them, and the servants will wash my clothes and dishes. I can take care of myself just fine, Mama. The prince is very thoughtful, after all."

Reassured, Mama takes back her tears, nodding and caressing the princess's hand, "Of course, dearest, of course. My princess will be taken care of in good hands."

"I shall wait for your visit soon, all of you. Write to me when you'll be on your way to Liangqu, then both of our families can have a proper feast to celebrate prosperity."

We watch the carriage get carried away safely, the lowing sound of an oxen heard from a distance.


While the rest of the house bearers wander in dreams, I try to replay everything that has happened in near time. It is far too different than most days and I have a feeling that some things might not be the same anymore.

Restless, I tiptoe to the window, careful not to wake anyone up, and open its frames very ridiculously slow. Testing to see if it's all truly real, I call out to the silent air.

"Ao Bing,"

He takes five short seconds before appearing from behind the distant mountains, big and dashing swirling above the town, descending to the empty pavement right in front of my window. Wow, it really hears me – my voice and my sound. Leaving a short note under my pillow, I grab only my thick comforters and fold into a square. I climb out of the window and close it back very quietly, marking my first flight with Ao Bing.

The night's starry sky surely looks like castles in the air observed from a higher perspective. I fall asleep with the feeling of grass under my thighs and a breathing dragon against my head, curled around me with warmth and attachment, my comforters creeping closer on the shoulders like a midnight thought before a dream, "I hope forever feels like this."

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