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"Get with your parter, this project is due next monday," the professor announced before giving the students the rest of class time to work. Naeun scrambled up from her seat, her eyes scanning around for her partner. She spotted his red hair from across the room, and she awkwardly walked over to him.

"Chenle?" She said, approaching him. The boy smiled, intrigued that he got partnered up with his best friend's crush. The first thing he did when he found out was message Jisung, and the lovesick boy was spamming him saying to find a way to set them up.

"Hey, sit down," he said, pulling out the chair next to him. Naeun took a seat, pulling her laptop and textbooks out.

"So you're the infamous Jeong Naeun," he muttered just loud enough for her to hear, grinning.

"I'm sorry?"

"I'm sure you know how much Jisungie had a crush on you," he chuckled. "There isn't once a day where he doesn't mention you at the dorms."

"Yes, I've heard," she sighed, rubbing her temples. "He's not exactly...quiet about it."

"He's just excited, it's been a while since a girl has shaken up his senses this much," Chenle shook his head as he opened his laptop. "Let's get to work, yeah?"

"So, how should we split the work?" Naeun asked, fishing her blue light glasses out of her back and putting them on her face.

"I can start on the introduction to Keynesian economics and the core principals, we also need historical context and real life examples..."

. . . 

Chenle and Naeun left class together, chatting together about random things as they approached the front gate.

"So you work as a mechanic?" Naeun asked, turning her head to look at him.

"Yep, my shop is just down the street from the university," Chenle replied. "Drop by if you ever need anything, I'll give you a discount," he playfully winked.

"Oh really? I'll take you up on that offer," she smiled. And once again, she saw the familiar black car pull up in front of their university. It had become a habit, and Naeun tried to scramble somewhere so Jisung didn't see her.

"That's my ride, I'll be off now," Chenle said. "How do you get home?" He asked, clearly plotting something.

"Oh, I just walk," Naeun replied.

"Really? But the dorms are so far away?" He said, knowing full well they weren't.

"It's really only ten minutes-"

"Come on, you can drive with me and Jisung, we're going to the same place anyway," before Naeun could even protest, he placed his hand on the small of her back and ushered her over to the car.

"Why did you take so long- Oh hey, beautiful," a smirk instantly formed on Jisung's face when his eyes landed on Naeun in the backseat. 

"This was against my will," Naeun muttered as she buckled up her seatbelt. She had never been in such an expensive car before, so naturally she was looking around the interior in awe. Her own run down which used to be her dad's was nothing compared to the sleek, modern design of Jisung's.

"Impressed, darling?" He snickered, winking.

"Flirt on your own time, drive me to the dorms," Chenle groaned.

"Yeah yeah, I know," Jisung rolled his eyes, buckling in his own seatbelt. "Hold on tight, darling, this thing can go fast," he turned around and winked. "And I'm not just talking about the car."

And before Naeun could reply to his suggestive comment, he started driving the car, earning a shriek from the girl.


"Oh, I'll slow down for you," he snickered, obviously not talking about the speed the car was going at. Naeun sighed in frustration, gripping onto her seatbelt.

"See you, Ji," Chenle waved to Jisung before exiting the car. As soon as he was out, Jisung turned back to Naeun with a smirk, a hand on the passenger seat headrest to support himself.

"We're alone now, darling," he whispered, grinning mischievously.

"The girl's dorm is still ahead, keep driving," Naeun replied, keeping her eyes off of him. As much as she hated to admit it, his gaze had that certain effect and she wouldn't let herself be affected by it.

"You're seriously asking me to drive you home when we just got a chance to be alone?" He frowned. "I was hoping we would be able to get to know each other better."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have assignments to work on. You wouldn't understand, so just drop me home. Please," she added at the end so she didn't sound disrespectful.

"Whatever you say, darling," he sighed, shaking his head as he changed the gear back to drive.

Naeun stared out the window, trying to act like she wasn't as affected by his flirting as she actually was. He had charm, she won't lie. He knew exactly what facial expressions to make to make a girl swoon. And Naeun was no better than the rest.

He pulled up in front of the girl's dorm building and the girl got out of the girl. "Thanks," she muttered to him.

"Call me later tonight," he smirked.

"No chance," she deadpanned.

"Whatever, I saw that coming," he sighed. "Oh yeah, I still don't know your name."

"Oh here we go again," Naeun rolled her eyes.

"I think we're close enough now that I've given you a ride home. Can I please know your name, darling?"

"Can't you just ask Chenle or something?"

"He won't tell me," Jisung fake pouted. "Plus, I want to hear it frm you."

Naeun shook her head, her palm flat against her forehead. "It's Naeun," she muttered under her breath before running back off to her dorm. She only said it quietly, yet Jisung still managed to hear.

Ah, so Naeun is your name he thought to himself, a smile forming on his face as he watched her retreat to her dorm building. He leaned back in the car seat, repeating her name over and over again in his head.

Such a pretty name, such a pretty girl

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