10. A business trip

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[Y.N] was nearly late for the meeting with Eren, so after stopping by the forest to put the wig and mask on, she started running towards the titan statue. She was wearing black leggings, sneakers, black tank top and a grey hoodie that was zipped to half, one corner slid down her shoulder uncovering the skin.

His car was already parked nearby, so she slowed down and started loudly panting from exhaustion. Eren left the car as soon as he noticed her, leaned on the hood and waited till she approached.

"We look like we are going to be jogging." - he pointed out and snorted laughingly.

She scanned his outfit and widely smiled in agreement; he was wearing a black, tight t-shirt plus a pair of grey sweat pants, so they both looked completely different than they always did when they saw each other in the club.

"I usually don't see you in such clothes." - she answered with a smile.

"I always see you half naked, so it's even weirder for me." - he said and turned around, but right after furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at her again. - "wait, you said 'usually'? The only place where i wear such clothes, is school." - he pointed out with a sly grin.

"Shit." - she murmured silently, pushing her hands inside the pockets of her hoodie.

"So you are watching me in the school, huh? This is so entertaining, don't you think?" - he said as he slowly approached her.

"Let's go Eren, Reiner is already waiting for us." - she uttered, ignoring his comment.

He grabbed the bag that she was holding and put it in the backseat, subsequently opened the front door for her to sit down. She smiled and without a word placed her butt down on the comfortable seat, immediately buckling her belt right after. She checked her hair and mask in the mirror making sure, that everything was in its right place and thankfully it was, so she exhaled with relief and melted in the seat.

Eren started the engine without saying a word, slowly started going and then turned on the radio that silently played in the background. He didn't know how to behave with her in the car; it was the very first time that they met outside of the club, so it felt weird for him to even look at her in normal clothes.

He took a glance at her a couple of times, but she was always looking outside of the window. Eren was focused on the road, but his mind was drifting away to the information, that he already had about her; eye and hair color, voice, the mole on her stomach and that she was attending the same school.

While Eren was trying to figure out who she was, [Y.N] pulled out a file that Levi gave her at the end of her shift; the information file with all the girls that worked in Reiner's club, with focus on mainly one; Mikasa Ackerman. She was wondering if Mikasa was related to her boss due to the same surname, but she decided to shrug it off, not caring enough to remember to ask him.

Mikasa was the weakest in the club, but she didn't want to lose job, cause just like [Y.N] she had a really tough situation; to pay off the school, dorm and other stuff that she needed to pay for.

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