Chapter 1

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Hi dear readers,welcome to the powerful hero season 2 final .hope you read it,and before I start the chapter 1 I will put the characters first.then we can start the chapter,I will  write the  trailer.


After the battle of season 1,new villains are coming to rebuild a new world.the powerful hero will fight again the darkest ,the final battle has come.The Powerful Hero Season 2 Final on wattpad.



Kai:The main character  from season 1,kai nelson.he grew up,and became a father.he became the most powerful hero in the hero service.

Harry : Harry from season 1,kai's best friend.he grew up too,and became a father.he also became one of the most powerful hero in the her service.

Lina : Lina from season 1,she is the wife of kai.she grew up,and became a mother.she became one of the most powerful hero in  the hero service.

Sora:Sora is harry's wife.she doesn't have powers,she's very strong.she enter the hero service,she has white hair and black eyes.

Henry:Henry is the son of kai,he has the same power as kai.he has blue hair and blue eyes just like kai.

Mina:Mina is the daughter of kai and lina,she has the same power as kai.she looks like her  mother lina,she is the twin of henry.

Marcus:Marcus is the son of harry,he has the same power as harry.he has red hair and red eyes.

Captain jin:The leader of the hero service,he's 6 years old now.he became the legendary hero in the hero service.

Kai's dad : Kai's dad became a pilot of the hero service,he became stronger.

Hero service: The hero service develpoed,and became a big community.


Mikito:The king of the monster land,he wants to take control and rebuild it.

Evil monsters:The slaves of mikito.

Lord master:Lord master came back because of mikito.lord master was died before,but mikito came him back.


Mikito's powers

Body Modifications.Bukijutsu.Nature Transformation.Sharingan.Mangekyō Sharingan.

No need to write kai's and harry's powers because there are in the season 1  hope you ae not mad dear readers besides  their kids have the same powers,let's start chapter 1


Hello as you know my name is kai nelson,from the powerful hero season 1.I married lina my wife,my kids are very kind.henry and mina are my favorite kids,I will never lose them.lina and I always tell stories about how did we became super-heros ?.henry will always laugh,mina will alays laugh too.lina will always take care of the kids,while I'm saving people.captain jin was still at the hero service,I'm still at the hero service too.

One day I went to harry's house,marcus his son will always train.sora his wife,was the one who was helping marcus.harry was soo happy to see me,lina was  here with henry and mina.henry,mina and marcus were best friends,they always train together and play together just like harry and I when we were kids.

We decied all to  go for a camping,that's when henry,mina,and marus got their powers.out of nowhere marcus threw fire from his hand.

''No way they got super-powers''said harry.

''Oh yes they got super-powers just like us,and they have the same super-powers just like us''I repiled.

''That means that henry and mina has the same power as you,while marcus has the same power as harry''asked lina.

''Yes''I answered.

We were all happy,lina and I started training henry and mina which was not easy.but they were just little kids,so we live them.lina and I spend the time together like we used to do when we were younger.

''I love you kai''said lina.

''I love you too''I repiled.

''Ewwwwww stop stop I don't like don't do this infront of us''said mina.

''Yeah mina is right,you are just little kids''repiled henry,lina and I started laughing.

At monster land :Mikito,the   king of monster land decied to bring the evil monsters and attack.

''I will take back what  the world has taken from me Watashi wa sekai o shihai suru'' said mikito.

Watashi wa seki o shihai suru means I will control the world

I forgot the japense monsters

Saki armies :The slaves of mikito too.

Hero Service academy : The hero service academy is a community for kids,henry,mina,and marcus joined the hero service academy.

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