Chapter 6

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Before I start the chapter,I will put a offical  song in every chapter before the chapter begins .

Before I start the chapter,I will put a offical  song in every chapter before the chapter begins

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Let's begin  chapter 6

Force-Man(kai) vs Mikito

Mikito and I started fighting,I used my full cowl,six eye,and electricity powers and made a powerful shock.mikito used his bukijustu,and punch me.mikito used his mangekyo,he was too strong.I decied  to make things harder I used my blue x red and full cowl powers,I kept on punching him around.I used my six eyes powers,and I took his two arms and punch him in his face.

''You're really strong but you won't stop me''said mikito.

''Instead of using the nicocube for good you are using it for controling  the  world''I replied.

Mikito used his mangekyo  sharingan powers,and he copyed my powers.I used my full ultra ego,and broke his mask.mikito ran,and we went.

We went back to back to the hero service,all of us took the jet.henry and mina texted.

Henry:Hi dad how are you?😊

                                                                    Kai:I'm fine I'm back I'm coming 😏

Mina:Wow dad I'm excited 🤗 😃😄

                                                                              Kai:Yeah 🤨 I'm on my way🤣🤣😂😂

The hero service bus brought me back home,I knocked at the door.henry and mina opened the door,and ran to hug me.lina was soo happy to see me,this time I kissed her.

''Ewwwww we already told you don't do it infront of us 🤦‍♀️🤢🤮''said mina.

''I always argee with mina she's right 😌😏''argeed henry.

Henry and mina went to bed,lina and I started talking about the nicocube.I told her that I didn't find it,but lina looked and smile.

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