Chapter 2

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After my kids henry and mina got their powers,I decied to bring them to hero service academy.henry and mina were making new friends,harry brought marcus too the hero service academy.

''Marcus is here''said mina.henry just ran into him,and huged him.

''Hi henry and mina I didn't know you will come''repiled marcus.

Alexander the former leader of the hero service academy,decied to test the kids powers.a girl named jessica thinks she's the best kid in the hero service,mina decied to go aganist her.

Mina vs Jessica 

Mina used her six eyes,and punch her.jessica used her  telepration powers,and punch mina in the  hand.mina used her full cowl powers,and kept on moving jessica around.mina used her electricity powers,and beat her up.jessica couldn't move.

''Next time be more nice''said mina.

Captain alexander decied to do a safety mission,he created fake evil monsters.the kids started they test mission,henry used his full cowl and six eyes and destroy nine fake evil monsters.marus used his super-speed and fire  powers,and destroy seven fake evil monsters.mina used her full cowl powers,and destroy eight fake evil  monsters.the real evil monsters came,and attacked.

The hero service went to the safety mission,harry,captain jin,and  I went with the jet.harry and I jumped.

''Look is force-man and protecter''said a boy.

''Yeah go force-man and protecter''repiled jessica.

I used my six eyes soo fast,then I took off the evil monsters head.captain jin took the kids,and put them in safety.lina came out of nowhere,and killed a evil monster with her katana.when jessica knew that force-man was the father of henry and mina,she got mad.te fiht ended.

At home,henry and mina were happy because they saw lina and I fighting the evil monsters.henry and mina started training together.

At harry's house : Harry's son was really smart,he trains and learn how to defeat his enemies.harry also learn  to marcus how to control his powers.sora harry's wife, likes to watch marcus and harry training.

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