Chapter Twenty-One

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After eating a warm, buttery croissant I dialed Gabriel's number immediately.

- Hello! - my voice was shaking from excitement.

- Good morning... - he sounded disturbed.

- Are you alright?

- I do not know. Since when did you become my morning alarm?

- Since today! 

- Why?

- I'm a genius! I'm a literal genius! You can't believe, what happened!

- Did you win the Nobel Prize?

- I have a brilliant idea! So, you haven't played piano for two years, right?

- So what? 

- Maybe... maybe we should try it together! 

- Did you sleep okay? 

- Yup.

- Then, you're going insane. 

- Not that either.

- I highly doubt it.

- Please!.. 

- Mary, I can't! Don't you think, that I wouldn't have done it if I could?!

- Or you don't know that you can!

- Please, don't waste my and your time on those "genius" ideas anymore.

- I...

- Mary! - he was definitely offended.

- I wanted to thank you for yesterday. - nothing else came to my mind. 

He didn't answer anything.

- You're being rude. 

- You don't understand... I can't see, Mary! 

- Well, could you see then, when you played your stupid performance of passing out and when you made me cross the road and I almost had a heart attack?! - I was so mad, I couldn't even control the words spitting out of my mouth.

- What does it have to do with what you've just offered me?! - he shouted bitterly. It was true, it had nothing to do with each other.

- I'm sorry. - he mumbled.

- Let's just try!.. What is stopping you?!

- Try for what, Mary? 

- For fun! Besides, I believe, that you're gonna make it. 

- Do you really believe? 

- Yes. 

- I have a grand piano at home. 

- And the address?

- My mother will pick you up. 

- What time?

- At three.

- Good.

- But know, that if something terrible's gonna come out, it's your fault.

- No problem. 

- Mary, I can't talk to you anymore, it hurts...

- Well...

- Bye... - said he and quickly hung up. 

The content of the last sentence remained unclear to me. However, I was able to persuade him. That's what was important.

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