The Asking

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(Better look at Jay, no face reveal yet)

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(Better look at Jay, no face reveal yet)

The Gauntlets living quarters were cramped but functional. We still had hours to go before we would reach the fleet so there wasn't much to do. Mando hid all my research, saying I was just wearing myself down. But he did promise to help me after we found the fleet. I found a quiet corner to rest, slowly catching up on my much needed sleep.

I barely had time to catch my breath when Jay approached, his curiosity evident in his posture.

"Hey, Mara." He said, sliding onto the bench opposite me. "I've been meaning to ask you about something."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What's up, Jay?"

He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well...." Jay paused. "There was this white-scaled beast that showed up out of nowhere and helped us against the pirates, remember? It fought off the pirates like nothing I've ever seen. Do you know anything about it?"

My heart skipped a beat, and I struggled to maintain my composure. The "beast" he was referring to was me. The memory of that fight was both empowering and deeply personal, something I wasn't sure how to explain to many, let alone Jay. The Armorer even warned me about it.

"I... remember." I said carefully, trying to mask my discomfort. "What do you want to know?"

Jay sat up. "Everything! What kind of creature do you think it was? Where did it come from? Is it dangerous?"

I swallowed hard, feeling a knot of frustration and sadness tightening in my chest. Jay's fascination was genuine, but his use of the word "beast" stung.

How could I explain that the creature he was so curious about was a part of me, not some mindless monster?

"I don't think it was a beast." I said slowly, choosing my words with care. "Maybe it was....just helping us...."

Jay looked at me, his helmet tilting in confusion. "What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right way to explain. "I mean that sometimes we see things as frightening or dangerous because we don't understand them. But that doesn't make them bad. Maybe that creature was just trying to help."

Jay nodded thoughtfully, but I could see he still had questions. "Yeah, maybe. But it was so powerful, so different from anything I've ever seen. It's hard not to be a little intimidated by something like that."

I managed a small smile, though my heart ached with the weight of my secret. "Well, it did help us in the end. So it must be on our side."

Jay seemed to mull over my words, his expression softening. "I guess you're right. Still, it would be amazing to know more about it." He paused. "It's weird how it disappeared when you showed up."

I froze.
Should I just tell him? Would he look at me differently?

Bo-Katan didn't.....
Neither did Mando....

But would Jay?

"I don't know." I said, hoping he would drop the subject. "But for now, let's focus on our mission."

Jay nodded. the excitement in his posture dimming but not disappearing entirely. "You're right, Russ'dral. Thanks for talking with me about it."

As he left, I leaned back against the wall, letting out a shaky breath. The conversation had been more difficult than I had anticipated, and I still didn't know how to fully explain my secret to Jay. Maybe I should ask Bo about it. One day, I would tell him.

Then the word he called me came to mind.
I hadn't hurt that one before. Nor did it sound like anything I had learned yet.

"Stupid Mandalorians and there stupid complex language." I mumbled.

AN: Sorry about the lack of updates. I had time to write a short non-episode chapter.
Wc: 646
Thank you for reading!
K out!

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