I promise ✨

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Hyunjin POV

"Come on, Hyunjin, wake up," a familiar voice coaxed me out of my slumber. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the morning light, and found my boyfriend sitting beside me on the bed, his hand gently playing with my hair.

"What's that smell?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"I made breakfast," he replied with a warm smile. "Now go freshen up so we can eat something before we head to college."

A smile spread across my face at his thoughtfulness. I reached up and took his hand, bringing it to my lips for a soft kiss. The simple gesture conveyed how much I appreciated him. Reluctantly, I pushed the cozy blanket aside and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, feeling the cool morning air against my skin.

As I stood up and stretched, I could smell the delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen—a blend of freshly brewed coffee, sizzling bacon, and something sweet, like pancakes or waffles. My stomach grumbled in anticipation.

I glanced back at my boyfriend, who was now tidying up the bed, and gave him an affectionate smile before making my way to the bathroom. The tiles were cold under my feet, but the thought of sharing a homemade breakfast with him warmed me from the inside.

Turning on the faucet, I splashed cold water on my face, fully waking up. The mirror reflected a slightly disheveled version of myself, but I didn't mind. Today was going to be a good day. After brushing my teeth and running a hand through my hair, I felt more refreshed and ready to start the day.

When I returned to the bedroom, I saw that he had already laid out our clothes for the day. Another small but meaningful gesture that made my heart swell with love.

"Ready?" he asked, looking up from his task.

"Yeah," I nodded, slipping into the clothes he'd chosen for me. "Let's go eat."

We walked to the kitchen hand in hand, the smell of breakfast growing stronger with each step. The table was set beautifully with two plates piled high with pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs, along with a steaming pot of coffee and two mugs.

"Wow, you really went all out," I said, impressed.

"Only the best for you," he replied, pulling out a chair for me.

I sat down, feeling grateful and loved. As we started eating, chatting about our plans for the day, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have someone who cared so deeply about me. The food was delicious, but it was the company that made it perfect.

"Hyunjin," he said softly, setting his cup down on the table with a slightly trembling hand. Concern laced his voice, and I looked up from my plate to meet his worried gaze.

"Umm?" I nodded, encouraging him to continue.

"You know, we're getting married in three months, and I was wondering if we could start planning and maybe do some shopping?" His voice carried a mix of excitement and apprehension, reflecting the whirlwind of emotions we were both feeling.

I shared his excitement, but a shadow of worry crossed my mind. The ongoing conflict with his father loomed over our happiness like a dark cloud. It all started when he refused to join his family's company, choosing instead to move to Korea with me to pursue his own path. I admired his courage, but the rift it caused with his father was deep and painful. I had hoped to postpone our marriage until the dispute was resolved, wishing for his father's presence at our wedding.

"Seungmin, what about your dad? Can we just—" I began hesitantly, my voice trailing off as I saw the pain flicker in his eyes.

He interrupted me, his head bowed, his voice heavy with emotion. "We talked about this. He didn't respect my choices in life, and here we are. I'm not going to give up on you or our life because of his selfishness." His eyes welled up with tears, each word a testament to his determination and hurt.

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