Pleasure's Cry✨

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Each time our skins collide,
The heavens weep, their tears they hide.
For they envy what we ignite,
Jealous of our love's fierce light.

Oh, baby, you and I,
With every kiss, we make the sky cry.
Beneath us, the earth may shatter,
Envious love, in whispered clatter.

Beneath us, the earth may shatter,Envious love, in whispered clatter

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Jisung POV:

The sound of gentle waves mingled with our footsteps as Felix and I strolled along the beach, our bare feet sinking slightly into the cool, wet sand. We both carried our shoes, enjoying the soothing touch of the ocean on our skin. The sea breeze and open sky were a welcome respite from the stifling atmosphere of gang life. Felix, especially, seemed to need this escape, a brief moment away from the chaos.

"Come on, Felix, tell me," I urged gently, sensing his reluctance.

He took a deep breath, the sea air seeming to fill him with a momentary resolve. "Okay," he started, his voice a mix of resignation and relief. He paused, gathering his thoughts. "The most devastated moment I've ever experienced was when my family's house burned down when I was 18. I couldn't save them," he confessed, the pain evident in his tone, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

"Good, now tell me, how did you get over this memory and continue your life?" I asked, hoping to steer him towards revealing his coping mechanisms, thinking it might help him now.

He was silent for a moment, his eyes scanning the endless stretch of water as if drawing strength from its vastness. "I allowed myself to move on because I couldn't live forever broken," he finally said, a note of resilience threading through his words.

"Here's the point," I said, turning to face him fully, walking backwards now to keep him in my view. "Hold on to the idea that you deserve to live your life not broken."

He let out a small chuckle, though it was tinged with frustration. "I need a friend, not a therapist," he retorted, rolling his eyes but with a half-smile playing on his lips.

"Friend, huh?" I quipped, a sudden idea sparking in my mind to lighten the mood.

"Yes," he affirmed, a genuine smile breaking through as he seemed to appreciate the effort.

Seizing the moment, I stopped walking and faced him squarely. I caught his eye with a mischievous glint in mine before I playfully kicked up a splash of water towards him with my foot.

"Jisung, I'm going to kill you!" Felix yelled, surprise and mock anger blending into his shout as he was drenched by the cold sea water.

I burst into laughter, backing away into the deeper water. "Catch me first!" I challenged, the tension from our earlier conversation dissipating into the sea air.

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