Winds of Change P1 : Uprising✨

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In whispers carried by the wind,
The storm begins to rise.
Silent hearts and hidden truths,
Now challenge darkened skies.
Through the cracks of shattered ground,
New voices start to sing.
In the winds of change they find,
The power to unstring.


Hyunjin's POV:

"I... I don't understand," I stammered, my mind reeling from the shock. "Why... why would he do this?"

"I apologize, Mr. Hyunjin, but I have no knowledge of Mr. Minho's reasons," the lawyer replied, his tone too calm, too indifferent, as if he wasn't holding the pieces of my shattered world in his hands.

The words swirled around me, echoing in my mind like a nightmare I couldn't wake from. Divorce papers. It felt like a knife had been driven into my chest, twisting deeper with every passing second. How could Minho do this? After everything we'd been through, after every fight, every touch, every promise—how could he just sign those papers and throw it all away?

My hands trembled as I stared at the lawyer, his expression impassive, like he was discussing the weather and not dismantling my entire life. Without thinking, I snatched the pen from him and scrawled my name on the dotted line. Each stroke of ink felt like a betrayal to myself, but I refused to let him see me break. Not now. Not ever.

"There. It's done," I spat, my voice cold and distant, a hollow shell of the emotions tearing me apart inside. The lawyer hesitated, probably sensing the storm brewing beneath the surface, but wisely kept silent as he gathered the papers and left.

The door clicked shut behind him, leaving me in a suffocating silence. The air felt thick, heavy with the weight of what had just happened. My mind screamed with rage, disbelief, and the unbearable ache of betrayal. How could Minho throw everything away so easily? How could he give up on us, on *me*?

Fueled by anger, I stormed into the bedroom—the place that had once been our sanctuary but now felt like a prison. My hands shook as I yanked clothes from hangers, stuffing them into a suitcase with reckless abandon. Each piece of clothing felt like a fragment of the life we had built together, now crumbling around me.

But as I packed, my mind raced with thoughts of escape. I needed to leave. I needed to get away from the memories, the pain, from *him*. But just as I zipped up the suitcase, the sound of footsteps outside the door made me freeze.

The guards. Of course. Minho wouldn't make it easy for me to leave. My fists clenched in frustration as I shoved the suitcase to the floor and marched toward the door, fully prepared to force my way out if I had to. But when I flung it open, the sight that greeted me made my blood boil even more.

Two guards stood there, blocking my path with a calm, resolute demeanor that only fueled my fury. "Step aside," I growled, my voice low and dangerous, a warning that went ignored.

"Sorry, Mr. Hyunjin, but we have orders not to let you leave," one of them replied, his tone polite but firm, as if he hadn't just thrown gasoline on the fire raging inside me.

"Orders? From who? Minho? He's not here anymore. He doesn't get to decide what I do," I snapped, my words laced with venom.

The guards exchanged a glance, but neither moved. Their restraint, their calmness, it all grated on my nerves, pushing me closer to the edge. Without thinking, I lunged forward, shoving one of them aside. The sudden movement startled them, and chaos erupted.

My suitcase tipped over in the scuffle, clothes spilling onto the floor like the fragments of my shattered life. My shouts mixed with the guards' attempts to restrain me, the noise reverberating through the hallways, waking everyone in the house. It was a cacophony of madness, and all because I refused to be a prisoner in this life any longer.

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