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彡[ΛÐЯłΛЛΛ Ͼ ]彡

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彡[ΛÐЯłΛЛΛ Ͼ ]彡

I was an absolute genius. Not only in my work, my profession, but with women. But so was that minx. She was a smart girl who knew how to get someone's attention, specifically mine.

I know I was playing hard to get, but I had to think about everything before I got with her. How Kehlani would feel, how our actions could lead to so many consequences. But I had thought that, whenever we're reading to tell everyone, is when they would find out.

I was teaching class when the most beautiful woman came walking through the door. She had her book bag on her shoulder, a smile on her face as she made her way to me. "Did you wear them?" I asked her.

It was like she had suddenly remembered, nodding and sitting down next to me. I got up with my phone in my pocket, going to teach the class.

As I did so, I put my phone in the podium. From the corner of my eye, I saw her scribbling on blank piece of pepper. I wanted to smirk but I didn't as I turned the vibrator on. A gasp came from her mouth, most of us looked at her. "Something wrong, Ms. Banichi?" I asked her, she shook her head, forcing a smile.

"Also, could you please pass their assignment to them?" I asked. She nodded, standing up. I could tell her legs were quivering as she walked to give them their assignment. I turned it up more, making her lean against someone's desk. "Are you okay?" Someone asked.

She nodded, standing up. Well that's embarrassing, huh? I left her alone once she started giving out the papers again, then when she sat down I turned it back on, leaving her to wiggle around in her seat without anyone noticing.

Then before it was time to leave class, I had turned it off. She looked relieved as I did so. I said my goodbyes to everyone, answering any question they needed.

When everyone left the room, I spoke up. "Follow me." I said, walking to my office. All of a sudden, when I opened the door, it felt like I fell, and that's all I remember.

"Dria, wake up." Then I opened my eyes. "You got class soon, no?" Kehlani was standing over me. I was so confused, was that a dream? "Yeah." I mumbled.

She chuckled. "Seemed like you had a good dream." She said, sitting on the edge of my bed. I huffed, looking away. When I looked back at her she was red, like the color red. "You're sleeping with Azariah?!" She asked, suddenly the room had narrowed like a hallway. "No! No!"

Then I felt someone shaking me, my eyes widened. "Where am I?" I asked, looking around.

"Well you passed out Ms. Christidou. You have epilepsy, you fainted." Well I knew that, I wanted to mutter. I just nodded. "Your student here helped you." She said and I looked over, seeing azariah sitting there. She was staring at me, worried.

"You need to stay so we can monitor you. You maybe been dehydrated, or stressed out which led to you fainting." Put the stress on top. "How many hours?" I Asked.

"24 hours. Because you have epilepsy and you have it on your record, we do need to supervise you." I wanted to roll my eyes. But all I did was nod. "The doctor will be in here to check up on you." The woman said, then walked out. I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Azariah asked. "Well I'm not broken am I?" I asked sarcastically. I know I'm being a bit harsh but honestly I'm just not in the mood. "You're lucky you're you or else I would've left as soon as you asked that." She said, standing up.

She grabbed my hand and my heart did that thing. And it showed up on the monitor. She looked at it and smirked. "Nervous?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, looking away from her. "No. It's just the epilepsy." I murmured.

"I know how that works, it's definitely not." She said, leaning forward. I raised my eyebrows. "Why are you so close?" I asked, she smirked. "Why is your heart beating fast?" Touché.

"Cause your breath stinks." I said, she covered her mouth. "I'm joking..."

Rolling her eyes, she backed up. I lifted the hospital bed up, adjusting myself. "Are you okay to sit up?" She asked, I rolled my eyes, grabbing her wrist and pulling her close.

"Well duh pretty girl, I fainted, I didn't break any bones." I whispered. She looked away. "Your color is coming back." I noticed.

She nodded. "Yeah I haven't been stressing much which is good." She smiled, I hummed, stroking her arm and feeling the goosebumps arise on her skin. "You know, what you did today was not funny." She whispered, I raised an eyebrow.

"Who said it was supposed to be funny? When we got into that office I was ready to eat you like your pussy was mt last meal." I said nonchalantly. I could feel her muscles tense. "What you didn't think I forgot what I wanted to do to you did you? I know every single detail."

She looked away from me and I pulled her so she was leaning forward. "Would you like that though? Me eating your pussy while we were here?" She shook her head and gulped.

She didn't say a word. "Speak up baby, I can't hear you." I said. Just like she knew what effect she had on me, I had one on her and she knew it. "No." She mumbled.

"Louder." I told her. Right then, I heard a knock so I let her go. Kehlani. "Hey, sorry I'm a bit late, I figured you were sleeping." She told me, I hummed and nodded.

Azariah cleared her throat. "Well I'm gonna go." She said, looking at kehlani and leaving. Lani didn't question it, she started asking how I was. Which of course, I responded to her.

You might be wondering...Zee where the hell did you go? And my answer to that is up my girls pussy 🫶🏽 I hope you enjoy this story!! I love you all! Make sure to stay healthy!

Goodbye little queers.

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