XI. Gas leak?

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Cw: swear words, cursing, alcohol, smoking, addiction, paranoia, ibuprofen, slowly loosing trust in your own memory, stress

Cw: swear words, cursing, alcohol, smoking, addiction, paranoia, ibuprofen, slowly loosing trust in your own memory, stress

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A few weeks into college you were stressed as fuuucckk. Turns out that going to college every day and having a part time job was very demanding and kind of exhausting. On top of that your professors didn't have any mercy this semester and let everyone write paper after paper. It got so much that you even had to cut back on a few of the psych classes plus on group activities with your friends. It was charmingly ass but your routine and the fact that you were living in the city now made it bearable. Thanks to you the apartment was decorated and felt like a real home, it wasn't minimalistic but at least it looked sweet and was very pleasant to the eye.

It was the last week of September and getting colder again

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It was the last week of September and getting colder again. Some people already started decorating for Halloween but the only thing you could think about was college, hobbies, your ferrets and cat, music and your upcoming first anniversary of witnessing a murder. The nagging feeling of needing to know more about the stuff that happened last year was getting strong and you didn't know why. Thankfully you were able to brush it off and keep it in the back of your head since you needed your brain for stuff that wasn't a cursed rabbit hole.

 Thankfully you were able to brush it off and keep it in the back of your head since you needed your brain for stuff that wasn't a cursed rabbit hole

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Hell- after a few weeks went by you started to feel like the apartment was hunted, or you were cursed, or just loosing your marbles. The light was on in the rooms you turned it off in, nothing that couldn't be brushed off as a electrical issue or you being forgetful. Or Because of the stress, or Nolan being a little dumb, you told him to turn the fucking lights off multiple times. Then you started forgetting your key or loosing it, and when you came back home with Nolan's key, yours would glare at you from the key nail at the front door like you haven't touched it since you left. That's when you started using the fire escape to get up to the apartment. It wasn't a big deal so you just kept doing that for a while. Then it was your pets, nothing bad, they just started acting a bit weird. After that behaviour stopped Nolan apparently started feeding them? For example: You woke up in the morning to give them food and a bit of attention but they already had new food in their bowl. You thanked Nolan but he just gave you a weird look. Whatever.

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