To Laurène

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Laurène BB 😍

I have not seen you for ages

Love letters I draft in pages

A face I haven't seen in eternity

But the thought of your summer loveliness boild my blood like a party of fraternity


The last sentence could do some working on

But by gods, not a problem, I have Laurène's backing upon 😘

~ ~ ~

Oil Laurène adds to me slicks into my heart

Blocks pulmonary arteries as my breath is well blocked

Air gasps through a sweetened heart while heart rate's off the charts

I reach out for your velvety love but fate had em locked

My inspiration has dried, a well in the desert

But love for Laurène shall never be deserted BB 😍

~ ~ ~

My inspiration has dried, a well in the desert

But love for Laurène shall never be deserted

~ ~ ~ 


There once was a girl called Laurène

Who caused my feathers to preen!

I rolled down the steps

Right into her lap

And she kissed me, an ugly birdie!

(Persona being a bird)

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