To Her Majesty the High and Mighty (Alternatively - To Reina)

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I gaze upon royalty

They glance back with no insincerity

Oh brawling love oh loving hate

How glad I am arriving at love's gate!

You hold my heart and all my love and sweetness is the only thing I pray in return. Not from Guillotina, tho 😘

~ ~ ~ 

Royalty speaks of concern

My heart only yearns

Of years passed without you

Your eyes shine bright and true

Mine run like tap water wanting to see ya by noon

Bit of history for anyone interested:

"For a period of time after its invention, the guillotine was called a louisette. However, it was later named after French and , who proposed on 10 October 1789 the use of a special device to carry out executions in France in a more humane manner. A death penalty opponent, he was displeased with the and other common, more grisly methods of execution and sought to persuade to implement a less painful alternative."

Copied from Wikipedia, obviously.

Isn't it fascinating how we associate the guillotine most often with the French Revolution (and Reign of Terror), but it's easy to forget that it was in use before then!

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