✮ - new beginnings

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   I rested my head against the cool window of the car, my eyes half-closed as the monotonous hum of the engine and the rhythmic thud of tires on asphalt lulled me into a state of near-slumber

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I rested my head against the cool window of the car, my eyes half-closed as the monotonous hum of the engine and the rhythmic thud of tires on asphalt lulled me into a state of near-slumber. The Californian landscape blurred past, a tapestry of golden fields and distant mountains under a sky that seemed almost too blue to be real.

"Natalie, we're almost there," my mother's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back into the present. I opened my eyes fully and straightened up, glancing at my mother in the rearview mirror. My mom, Claire, was always optimistic, always trying to make the best of every situation. I wasn't sure if i found that comforting or irritating today.

"Okay," i replied, a hint of resignation in my tone. Woodsboro. It sounded so quaint, so picturesque, yet all I felt was a heavy pit of dread in my stomach. Starting over in a new place wasn't exactly what i had wanted for my senior year.

I adjusted my seatbelt and shifted slightly, feeling the cool leather beneath me. I reached into my backpack and pulled out my journal. The leather-bound book was a little worn around the edges, a testament to the many nights I'd spent pouring my thoughts onto its pages. Being a pagan in a small town was always a challenge, and i had no reason to believe Woodsboro would be any different. But my beliefs were a part of who i was, and i wasn't going to hide them. "Do you want to stop and get something to eat before we get to the house?" My mom asked, her tone bright and cheery. "I know a move like this is a big change, and you might need a little comfort food."

I managed a small smile. "Sure, Mom. That sounds good."

We pulled off the highway into a small diner that looked like it hadn't changed since the 1950s. Neon lights buzzed overhead, and the sign above the door read "Betty's Diner" in faded letters. They found a booth by the window, and i absently traced the patterns on the tablecloth with my finger. As we waited for our food, my thoughts drifted to the small wooden box nestled safely in my backpack. It contained her tarot cards, a pentacle pendant, and a few crystals – her tools for staying connected to her spirituality. I found comfort in the rituals, in the sense of control and peace they brought me, especially when everything else felt so uncertain.

"What are you thinking about?" Mom asked, her eyes soft with concern.

"Just... everything," Natalie replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's going to be weird, you know? New school, new people. I hope they're not all jerks."

Mom reached across the table and squeezed my hand. "I know it's tough, sweetie. But you're strong, and you're going to find your place here. Just give it some time. I nodded, appreciating my mother's words even if i wasn't entirely convinced. The waitress arrived with our food, and we ate in a companionable silence. The burger was surprisingly good, and i found herself feeling a little better by the time they finished.

Back in the car, the landscape began to change as they got closer to Woodsboro. The fields gave way to dense forests, and the road twisted and turned through the hills. The town itself appeared suddenly, nestled in a valley with quaint houses and narrow streets. It looked like something out of a postcard.

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