✮ - hes stupid

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"Wait, so...you're telling me that he just blew you off?" The soft glow of fairy lights draped around Nadia's room cast a warm ambiance as we settled in, our spirits a mix of curiosity and concern. Courtney sat on Nadia's bed, her posture tense, her eyes betraying the turmoil within. Nadia and I exchanged glances, silently urging Courtney to share what was weighing on her heart. Nadia, always sensitive to the emotions in the room, gently broke the silence.

      Courtney took a deep breath, her voice shaky as she began to recount her recent experience with Matthew. She described the excitement of his invitation, the charm he exuded, the unexpected kiss during the movie, and then his abrupt coldness afterward. Her words carried the weight of hurt and confusion, and I felt anger rising on her behalf.

        "He kissed me like he meant it, like he cared," Courtney said, her voice trembling. "But then he just... shut me out. Like I didn't matter."

       Nadia reached out, placing a comforting hand on Courtney's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Courtney," she said softly, her gaze filled with empathy.

        I felt a surge of protectiveness toward Courtney. "He's a jerk, Courtney. You deserve so much better," I said firmly, my frustration evident. "That's...That's not right what he did. He needs-" Courtney cuts me off.

        Courtney nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I thought he really liked me," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But now I don't know what to think." Nadia squeezed Courtney's shoulder gently. "You trusted him, Courtney. It's not your fault," she reassured her, her voice steady and supportive. As I listened to Courtney's story, a thought crossed my mind—a way to help her move past this hurt and reclaim her confidence. "What if we did a spell?" I suggested tentatively, my mind racing with possibilities. "To help you let go of this pain and attract someone who truly deserves you."

       Courtney looked up at me, curiosity mingling with uncertainty in her eyes. "A spell?" she echoed softly.

        Nadia's expression mirrored my own hesitance. "I don't know, Natalie. Is that really a good idea?" she asked cautiously, concern etched on her face.

        I sighed, understanding Nadia's hesitation. "Maybe not now," I conceded, reaching for Courtney's hand in reassurance. "But it's something to think about. We could focus on healing and self-love first."

        Courtney nodded slowly, a small smile flickering across her lips. "Thank you, Natalie, Nadia," she said sincerely, her voice filled with gratitude. "Just being here and listening means a lot to me."

         We spent the rest of the evening in Nadia's cozy room, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and understanding. As we talked and shared laughter, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in our coven's bond. Together, we would navigate the ups and downs of high school, supporting each other through every challenge that came our way.

         And as for Matthew, his actions had shown us the importance of self-worth and discernment. Courtney had learned a hard lesson about trusting others' intentions, but with our support, I knew she would emerge stronger than ever.


            As I sat alone in my room after the sleepover, the soft glow of fairy lights cast a gentle ambiance around me. Nadia and Courtney had left not long ago, but their presence lingered in the room, the echoes of our laughter and shared stories still fresh in my mind.

I picked up a framed picture of Courtney from my bedside table—a snapshot taken during one of our outings last summer, her smile radiant and carefree. She had been so happy then, before Matthew came into her life and brought confusion and hurt. I gazed at the picture, feeling a surge of protectiveness toward my friend. Courtney deserved better than someone like Matthew—someone who didn't appreciate her kindness and warmth. Setting the picture aside, I turned my attention to the small altar I had set up in the corner of my room. Candles flickered softly, their flames dancing in the darkness. I took a deep breath, centering myself before I began the cleansing spell.

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