✮ - scream 2

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     A year had passed since the massacre that had shattered my life. I was now in college, trying to move on and rebuild some semblance of normalcy. The campus was bustling with activity, students rushing to classes, laughter echoing through the halls. It was a world away from the horror I had endured, but the memories still lingered, always just beneath the surface. I had found solace in new friendships. Mickey was a film major with a passion for horror movies and an infectious enthusiasm that had helped me find some joy again. Randy, a fellow survivor of the previous Ghostface attacks, had become a close confidant, his sarcastic humor a constant source of comfort. One afternoon, we found ourselves in the student union, grabbing coffee and talking about the latest film assignments. The large TV mounted on the wall caught our attention, the familiar face of Gale Weathers filling the screen. The room quieted as students gathered around, drawn by the breaking news.

         Gale's voice was steady, professional, but I could see the intensity in her eyes. "We have breaking news from Windsor College, where two people were found dead last night at a screening of the new horror film, stab. Authorities are investigating the incident, and while details are still emerging, the killings bear a striking resemblance to the Ghostface murders."

        My stomach churned, a cold dread settling over me. The room seemed to close in, the familiar fear creeping back in. Mickey and Randy exchanged worried glances, their faces mirroring my own apprehension.

          "Not again," Randy muttered, his eyes fixed on the screen. "I thought this was over."

          Gale continued, "The victims have been identified as Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens, both students at Windsor College. Police are urging anyone with information to come forward."

         Mickey shook his head, his expression grim. "This can't be happening. Not here."

          I felt a knot tighten in my chest. The memories of the previous year flooded back with a vengeance—Sidney's terror-stricken face, the cold blade of the knife, the betrayal by Billy and Stu. I had worked so hard to leave that behind, to build a new life. And now, it seemed the nightmare was far from over.

          "We need to be careful," Randy said, his voice low and serious. "If this is another Ghostface, we can't take any chances."

           I nodded, my mind racing. "We need to stay together, watch each other's backs. We can't let history repeat itself."

           Gale's report concluded, the screen cutting to a press conference with the local police chief. I couldn't focus on his words, my thoughts too jumbled. The fear, the uncertainty—it was all too familiar, too real.

          Mickey placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We'll get through this, Natalie. We're not alone this time."

         I managed a weak smile, grateful for their support. But deep down, I knew that surviving another encounter with Ghostface would require more than just sticking together. It would require facing the darkness that still haunted me, the ghosts of the past that refused to stay buried.

          As we left the student union, the campus around us seemed different, shadows lurking where there had been none before. The peace I had fought so hard to find felt fragile, like it could shatter at any moment. But I had survived once, and I would do whatever it took to survive again.

         The nightmare had returned, but this time, I was ready.

     College life had become a delicate balancing act, a constant effort to move forward while keeping the shadows of the past at bay. My roommate Hallie had been a godsend, her bright personality and infectious laugh bringing a sense of normalcy to my life. We had spent many nights talking about everything from classes to boys, never touching on the darkness that still lingered in my memories.

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