✮ - An echo of yesterday

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"No, you can sit here-" Nadia said to the girl, a little too late. She walked away, I banged my head down and continued to write, Nadia hit my shoulder.

"She could've been our third, idiot!" Nadia hit her head. I roll my eyes, "we don't need a third."

The rest of biology went by fast, all me and Nadia did was talk. As lunch rolled by, we saw the same girl from biology talking to a guy and staring at us. "Are...Are they talking about us?" I ask Nadia.


         Navigating high school was proving to be more challenging than I anticipated. After the awkward encounter in Biology class, I found myself gravitating towards solitude during lunch breaks, unsure of where I fit in this seemingly closed-off world of Woodsboro High.

        As I was outside during lunch, a familiar face approached. Tyler Daniels—a popular guy known for his charm and athletic prowess. He flashed a friendly smile as he sat down across from me.

          "Hey, Courtney, right?" he greeted casually, flipping his sunglasses up onto his head.

        "Yeah, hi," I replied, surprised that someone like tyler would even acknowledge my existence.

        "I couldn't help but notice you sitting alone a lot," he continued, his tone curious yet nonchalant. "Everything okay?"

        I shrugged, not wanting to admit my struggle to fit in. "Just trying to figure things out, I guess."

        Tyler leaned forward slightly, his expression serious. "Listen, I overheard what happened in Biology with those two girls—Nadia and Natalie, right?"

         I nodded hesitantly, "I guess those are their names..." wondering where this conversation was heading.

        "They're not exactly the friendliest around here," tyler explained, his voice lowering. "In fact, some people say they're... different."

        "Different how?" I asked, intrigued despite myself.

        He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Well, let's just say they have a reputation. They keep to themselves mostly, and rumor has it they're into some... unconventional stuff."

        "Like what?" I pressed, my curiosity piqued.

         Tyler glanced around as if checking for eavesdroppers before leaning in closer. "I've heard they're into witchcraft or something. Not sure if it's true, but they're definitely not your average high school girls."

           "Witchcraft?" I repeated, trying to process this unexpected revelation. It sounded absurd yet strangely plausible given their standoffish behavior.

          "Yeah, some say they're into spells and rituals," tyler added, his tone serious. "And they're not exactly friendly towards anyone who doesn't fit into their circle."

         I mulled over this new information, my mind racing with possibilities. Were nadia and natalie really practicing witches? And did their supposed powers explain their aloofness and disdain towards others?

        "Thanks for telling me," I said finally, grateful for Tylers insight into the mysterious duo. "It... kind of explains a lot."

         tyler shrugged, a half-smile playing on his lips. "Just watch your back around them. And maybe try not to get on their bad side."

         Tyler grins. "Hey, how about you come to my football practice after school?"


After school, me and Nadia went looking for that girl. We found her watching watching Tyler Daniels practice with a mix of curiosity and admiration.  As the practice wound down, she finally felt a presence behind me. Turning around, she saw us standing there. Our expressions serious yet strangely earnest.

"Hey, Courtney," I began, my voice softer than she had expected. "We wanted to talk to you."

She glanced between us, unsure of what to say. "Okay..."

I stepped forward, my gaze steady. "I owe you an apology. I've been... standoffish, and we haven't exactly made you feel welcome."

I blinked in surprise, not expecting this turn of events. "Um, it's okay. I mean, I understand."

Nadia shook her head, a hint of regret in her eyes. "Please don't take it personally, natalie is just... very... reserved." Nadia hesitated, finding the right words. "She's like that with everyone."

I nod in agreement. "We practice witchcraft. It's a big part of who we are, but it's also made us outsiders.l

"We wanted to make it up to you," i continued, my tone earnest. "There's a place we go to—a witchcraft store. We thought maybe you'd like to come with us. It's not something we share with just anyone."

She hesitated, torn between curiosity and caution. But something about our sincerity touched her. Maybe this was my chance to bridge the gap between her, and for her to understand us better.

"Okay," she said finally, surprising herself with the decision. "I'll come with you."

Our expressions softened with relief, and together we walked out of the school grounds and down a side street I hadn't noticed before. The air grew cooler as we approached a quaint storefront with an ornate sign that read "Moonlight Magick."

Inside, the store was dimly lit, shelves lined with crystals, herbs, and mystical artifacts. The scent of incense hung heavy in the air, adding to the mystical atmosphere. Me and Nadia come here all the time.

An elderly woman greeted us warmly from behind the counter, her eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Welcome, young ones," she said in a soothing voice. "What brings you here today?"

"We brought a friend," i explained, gesturing towards Courtney. "Courtney, meet Madame Celeste. She's the owner and knows everything there is to know about witchcraft."

Madame Celeste smiled kindly at her. "A pleasure to meet you, Courtney. What interests you about the craft?"

As she looked around the store, surrounded by ancient wisdom and mystic energies, she felt a sense of belonging she hadn't expected. She wondered if maybe we were right—maybe being different wasn't a weakness but a strength, a doorway to a world of endless possibilities.

And as Madame Celeste began to share stories of spells and rituals, she looked at me and Nadia. "you guys really believe in... all of this?" She asks quietly, I squint my eyes a little, trying to tell what he tone indicated. "Kinda." I say sarcastically, meeting her soft tone of voice. I look at madame Celeste again.

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