✮ - the mask falls

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"What's the matter Sidney, you look like you've seen a ghost." Billy grins at her, malice dripping from his voice as he takes in the fear in her eyes. "Fuck you!" She yells. Billy leans back, handing stu the gun. "Oh, nonono... we already played that game remember?" He leans in, holding the blade in his hand.

         "Why are you doing this?" Her voice shook. Billy raised his eyebrows, "why? WHY!?" He yelled at her. "You hear that Stu I think she wants a motive. Well, I don't really believe in motives Sid. I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive? Did they ever decide why Hannibal Lecter liked to eat people? Don't think so! See it's a lot scarier when there's no motive, sid." Billy speaks sharply. "How about this. Your, slut mother was fucking my father, causing my mom to move out and abandon me." He watched her reaction intently, a twisted smile creeping across his face as the realization dawned in her eyes. The room felt colder, the shadows closing in around them as his words hung in the air. He took a step closer, savoring the fear that flickered across her features. His gaze was unwavering, a predatory gleam in his eyes that made her heart race.

The satisfaction of finally revealing his true self to her was almost palpable, and he relished every moment of her mounting terror. The silence between them was thick, broken only by the sound of her shallow breathing and the sinister calmness in his voice as he continued to explain why he had chosen her. Billy grabbed Sidney and held her to his chest, holding the knife to her throat. "Oh, oh! This is the greatest part! You're gonna love this one sid, it's a scream baby! Now just stay here, I'll be right back!" Stu vanished into the closet before coming back out with Sidney's father, tied up. Her face contorts to shock and fear. "Daddy-!" She reached for him.

        "No, no.." Billy whispers. "What if your father snapped, your mother's anniversary set him off, and he went on a murder spree killing everyone?"

         He leaned back slightly, his eyes never leaving hers, the satisfaction of his confession etched into his features. Her breath hitched, the gravity of his words sinking in as the horror took root in her mind. "Except for us three, we were left for dead." Stu grins.

"And then he...kill's you, and shoots himself in the head. Perfect ending."

Billy tossed Sidney to the side as Stu reached for the gun on the table, he stammers. "Uhh, Houston we have a problem here!" Gale Weathers emerged from the darkened hallway, her appearance a stark contrast to the poised, confident reporter she usually portrayed. Her once meticulously styled hair was now a tangled mess, strands falling haphazardly across her face. A thin trickle of blood ran from a split in her lower lip, the result of a previous struggle. Her makeup, which had been perfectly applied at the beginning of the night, was now smeared and smudged; dark mascara streaked down her cheeks, mingling with the sweat and dirt from her frantic movements. Her eyes, usually sharp and calculating, were wide with a mix of determination and fear, the urgency of the situation reflecting in their depths. Despite her disheveled appearance, there was a fierce resolve in her expression as she aimed the gun. 

        "I thought she was dead." Billy points at her with the knife, looking at Stu sharply. "She looked dead, man. Still does." Stu kept his gaze on gale.

         "I've got an ending for you. The news reporter left for dead in the van, comes too. Stumbles upon you three dipshits, foils your plan, and saves the day." Her eyes gleaming with pride.

          "I know something you don't." Billy grins, stepping closer. She tried to shoot, but there was no bullet. Billy grabs her, kicking her back onto Dewey. Stu holds up his fist. "Yeah, man." He breaths out, I grin slightly in awe as I watch them. I turn around and Sidney was gone. "Shit." I breathe out. Stu and Billy turn around.

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