✮ - So tonight that i might see

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The morning after the attack was heavy with a mixture of fear and relief. I found myself seeking solace in the familiar embrace of the room clearing where Nadia and I often performed our pagan rituals. The air was cool, carrying the scent of pine and damp earth, as I made my way through the trees.

         Nadia was already there when I arrived, her presence a calming balm to my frayed nerves. She stood tall and serene in her black dress, the intricate symbols embroidered on it seeming to shimmer in the soft morning light. Her amber eyes met mine with excitement.

Nadia's room was a haven of mystical treasures and whimsical charm, illuminated by the soft glow of candles and twinkling fairy lights. Tonight, our usual solemn rituals took a playful turn as we gathered amidst crystals and spellbooks, ready to weave our magic under the watchful gaze of the moon.

"Nadia, are you sure this potion won't turn me into a toad?" I teased, holding up a vial of shimmering liquid that sparkled in the candlelight.

She chuckled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Only if you don't follow the instructions carefully, Natalie. Remember the last time you mixed up the ingredients?"

I mock-glared at her, feigning offense. "Hey, that was one time, and we agreed never to speak of the frog incident again!" Laughter filled the room, mingling with the heady scent of herbs and the crackling of the fire in Nadia's hearth. Despite the seriousness of our craft, tonight felt light-hearted, a rare moment of camaraderie amidst the weight of our responsibilities.

"Okay, enough jokes," Nadia said, composing herself with mock seriousness. "Let's get down to business. We have a full moon to harness, and spells to cast." We settled at her altar, our giggles fading into focused determination as we prepared for the ritual ahead. Nadia laid out her tools—a silver athame, bundles of dried herbs, and a shimmering bowl filled with moonwater collected under the last full moon. "First things first," Nadia declared, holding up a sprig of sage. "Cleansing the space." With a flourish, she lit the sage bundle and began to walk around the room, trailing smoke in graceful circles. I followed suit with a small bell, its chime echoing softly as I moved from corner to corner, banishing any lingering negativity with each melodious ring. "Feel better already," I remarked, trying to ignore the pain still in my stomach from the night before. waving the bell playfully in Nadia's direction. "Maybe we should cleanse you next."

Nadia laughed, swatting away the smoke from the sage bundle. "Very funny, Natalie. Now, focus. We're calling upon the moon's energy tonight for guidance and clarity."

We stood together, hands clasped around the bowl of moonwater. Nadia began to chant softly, her voice weaving through the air like silk. I joined in, our voices harmonizing in a melody that resonated with the ancient rhythms of the universe.

As we chanted, the room seemed to shimmer with a faint glow, the candles burning brighter as if infused with lunar power. Nadia's laughter and my own bubbled up between verses, the joy of our shared connection fueling the energy we raised together.

"Alright," Nadia said finally, breaking the spell with a smile. "Let's make a pact. No more frogs, and no more accidental love potions."

I grinned, feeling a warmth in my heart that had nothing to do with the candles or the magic we had just performed. "Deal," I agreed, squeezing her hand.

In that moment, surrounded by laughter and the soft hum of mystical energy, I realized that while our craft was steeped in ancient wisdom and reverence, it was also a source of endless joy and companionship. Together, Nadia and I were not just witches—we were friends, partners in mischief, and guardians of each other's spirits under the watchful gaze of the moon.

"Natalie," she said gently, her voice carrying an undercurrent of worry. "What happened?"

I look at her, confusion painted over my face. "What?" I ask.

"When we held hands, your shirt lifted a bit. I saw the bandages." Concern etched across her face.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself as I recounted the horrors of the previous night. Nadia listened intently, her expression shifting from concern to anger as I described the attack by Ghostface. Tears welled up in my eyes as I relived the terror, but Nadia's presence grounded me.

When I finished, Nadia approached me slowly, her gaze fixed on the wound on my stomach where Ghostface's blade had cut through my flesh. Without a word, she reached into a small pouch tied at her waist and withdrew a bundle of dried herbs and a small vial of oil.

"We need to cleanse and heal this," Nadia said softly, her voice carrying an air of determination. "Lie down, Natalie."

I obeyed, stretching out on the soft moss beneath the vines on her ceiling as Nadia knelt beside me. She carefully applied the oil to the wound, murmuring incantations in a language that felt ancient and powerful. The scent of herbs filled the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the room.

As Nadia worked, I felt a warmth spread through me, soothing both the physical pain and the lingering fear that had taken root in my heart. Her touch was gentle yet purposeful, her energy flowing through me like a river of healing.

Minutes passed like hours in that tranquil clearing, until finally Nadia leaned back, her hands hovering over the now-closed wound on my arm. The skin was whole again, no trace of the deep cut remaining except for a faint scar that would fade with time.

"You're going to be okay, Natalie," Nadia said softly, her eyes meeting mine with reassurance. "We're stronger together, remember?"

I nodded, overwhelmed with gratitude for Nadia's steadfast friendship and her unwavering belief in our shared power. The ritual had not just healed my body, but had also strengthened my resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Standing up, I embraced Nadia tightly, feeling the bond between us deepen with each heartbeat. In that moment, surrounded by the whispers of the forest and the warmth of the morning sun, I knew that together, we could face anything—even Ghostface.

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