✮ - stepping through a threshold

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The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting a gentle glow on the river's surface as we settled by the water's edge. Stu skipped a stone across the calm surface, the soft plops echoing in the quiet night. "So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" Billy asked, leaning back on his elbows and gazing up at the stars. I shrugged, feeling the cool breeze brush against my skin. "Not much, probably just hanging out. Maybe catch a movie or something."

Stu chuckled, reaching for another stone. "Yeah, sounds good. We could use a break from all the drama at school." Billy nodded in agreement. "Definitely. Sometimes I wish we could just fast-forward to graduation."

We all chuckled at that, sharing a knowing look. Senior year had been a rollercoaster of emotions, and the prospect of finally leaving Woodsboro behind was both exciting and daunting. "What about you, Nat?" Stu asked, his gaze curious. "Any plans for the summer?"

I paused, thinking for a moment. "Not really sure yet. Maybe a road trip or something. Just want to get away for a bit."

"That sounds awesome," Billy said with a grin. "Count me in if you need a travel buddy." We laughed, the tension of recent weeks melting away in the easy camaraderie of our conversation. It felt good to talk about ordinary things, to escape the weight of secrets and uncertainties for a while.

As we continued chatting about our favorite bands, upcoming exams, and random trivia, I couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these—simple, unguarded, and filled with laughter.

Eventually, the river's gentle murmur lulled us into a comfortable silence. The night stretched out before us, alive with possibility and the promise of friendship that transcended the trials of teenage life in a small town.

I look up at the hill and see an old cabin. I stand up, intrigued. "Hey, what's that?"

Billy looks at where I'm looking, he scoffs. "A cabin?" He grins. "It looks abandoned. Let's go check it out." I suggest, walking towards it. The grass finally hits my bare feet again, and it feels wet.

Billy and Stu follow me hesitantly, walking up the hill to the cabin. I twist the doorknob and enter it, greeted by a horrible stench. "Ew." I mutter, I look at the fridge. The air inside was heavy with an eerie silence, and a sense of foreboding crept up my spine. I step towards the fridge and open it slowly, Inside, a ghastly sight awaited us - human body parts neatly stored in the fridge. "Shit." I mutter, realizing someone had to have lived here, and could be in the house. Or coming home.

          Before we could flee, a menacing figure barged in, brandishing a gun and seizing me in a tight grip. I winced at his tight grip. The cabin was supposed to be empty. We thought it was deserted, a perfect place to lay low after tonight's chaos.

           Stu and Billy stormed into the room, their expressions darkening with fury when they saw the man threatening me. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Stu growled, his voice laced with menace. I was surprised by his tone of voice since we were the ones who broke in.

Billy stepped forward, his fists clenched at his sides. "Let her go, now!" The man's face contorted with anger. "Who the fuck are you people? Get out of my cabin!" His voice shook with adrenaline as he tightened his grip on the shotgun. Stu took another step closer, his voice low and threatening. "You point that thing at her again, and I'll—"

          "Stu, calm down," I interjected, trying to diffuse the escalating tension. But Stu ignored me, his eyes locked on the man with an intense glare.

       Billy's jaw clenched as he spoke through gritted teeth. "We didn't come here to hurt anyone. Just let her go, and we'll leave." I whimpered softly, and I had tears welling up in my eyes. The situation was spiraling out of control, and I knew we had to defuse it before someone got hurt.

         For a tense moment, the cabin was filled with silence, broken only by the sound of heavy breathing and the faint hum of the refrigerator. The man's grip on the shotgun tightened, then it cocked, and finally, he pressed it harder against my temple. "No," he laughs. "You kids are staying here."

But in the depths of my terror, a surge of primal instinct coursed through my veins. With trembling hands, I reached for the only weapon within my grasp - a pocket knife. Summoning every ounce of courage, I plunged the blade into the man's flesh, a desperate bid for survival. The room echoed with his agonized screams, mingling with the stench of blood and fear. My heart pounded in my chest as terror consumed me. The world around me seemed to blur as my legs gave way, causing me to collapse to the ground. My body convulsed with fear, my limbs flailing uncontrollably. Tears streamed down my face, mingling with the blood beneath me. Desperate for comfort, i clung onto Stu, my grip tightening with each passing second. The darkness of the unknown loomed over us, suffocating our every breath. "It's alright, Natalie." Stu murmured as Billy continued to assault the man with the knife. "You're safe now. I'm here." His voice a soothing balm.


       The attic room was our sanctuary, hidden from the chaos below. Nadia's place always felt like stepping into another realm, with its low ceiling draped in deep purple cloth and shelves lined with crystals and old books. The air smelled of lavender and sandalwood, a comforting mix that enveloped us as we gathered around a small, round table.

       Courtney lit a few candles, their flickering flames casting dancing shadows on the walls. "Sit down, Nat," she said softly, her eyes filled with concern as she gestured to a cushioned chair. I sank into the seat, the tension in my body finally loosening as Nadia approached with a bowl of warm water and a soft cloth. "Let me see," she said gently, her fingers cool against my skin as she dabbed at the bruise on my temple. "It looks worse than it feels," I reassured them, though the ache pulsed with every heartbeat.

       Courtney leaned forward, her voice low and soothing. "Who was he? Did you see his face?"

         I shook my head, the memory of his masked features sending a shiver down my spine. "No, it all happened so fast... I just remember the gun, and his voice..."

        Nadia handed me a cup of herbal tea, her eyes reflecting the candlelight. "You're safe now. We're here for you, always."

        I took a sip, letting the warmth spread through me. "Thanks, guys," I said, feeling a tear slip down my cheek despite myself. "We're not going to let anyone hurt you," Courtney declared, her voice firm. "We're your coven, remember? Together, we're stronger." I nodded, feeling their support like a shield around me. Nadia sat across from me, her expression thoughtful as she traced patterns on the table with her fingertip. "I think we should do something to lighten the mood," Nadia suggested, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "By any chance, have you guys ever heard of a game called 'Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board'?"

       Courtney grinned, catching on to Nadia's idea. "Yes!" She exclaims. I look at both of them a little confused, back and forth. "No, what's that?" I ask, taking another sip of the herbal tea.

       Curiosity piqued, I raised an eyebrow. "What exactly is 'Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board'?"

        Nadia leaned forward, her voice hushed in excitement. "It's a game where we can make someone feel weightless using just our energy and focus. Trust us, it's fun!" Intrigued despite myself, I agreed to give it a try. We formed a circle around Nadia, who lay down on the floor, her eyes closed in concentration. Courtney and I placed our hands lightly under her shoulders and legs, focusing on the idea of lifting her with our thoughts.

       "Light as a feather, stiff as a board," Courtney chanted softly, her voice blending with the flickering candle flames.

        Nadia's body seemed to grow lighter in our hands, as if defying gravity. A sense of wonder filled the room, mingling with our laughter and the crackling of the candles.

          We both stopped chanting, I slowly opened my eyes. Nadia was up off the ground, her eyes shut, completely oblivious to what was happening. I put my fingers to my mouth in shock.

           "Guys," Nadia starts, her eyes not opened yet. "I don't think it's working." She whines, opening her eyes. She sees she's off the ground. "Oh...oh my god." She panics. "How do I get down?"

           "Shut up or you'll fall." I demand.

We spent the rest of the evening laughing and playing more games, the heaviness of earlier events dissipating in the warmth of our friendship and the enchantment of our makeshift rituals.

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