✮ - unexpected visitor

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       The evening was cool and quiet, the moon casting a gentle glow over my grandparents' backyard as I wandered aimlessly, lost in thought. The events of the past weeks had left me weary and unsettled, seeking solace in the embrace of the night air.

        As I rounded the corner of the house, a rustling sound caught my attention. Curiosity piqued, I followed the soft padding of paws against grass until I spotted a small, scruffy cat nestled beneath a bush. Its fur was a patchwork of grays and browns, its eyes gleaming with a wary curiosity.

         "Hey there, little one," I whispered softly, crouching down to meet its gaze. The cat regarded me with cautious interest, its tail flicking back and forth in uncertain rhythm.

        I reached out slowly, offering my hand for it to sniff. After a moment's hesitation, the cat nudged closer, rubbing its cheek against my fingers. A surge of warmth flooded through me as I scratched behind its ears, a rare moment of connection in the midst of turmoil.

          "You must be hungry," I murmured, noticing the slight gauntness of its frame. "Let's see if I can find something for you."

        Carefully cradling the cat in my arms, I made my way back to the house, heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. My grandparents were strict about pets—they had never allowed me to have one, citing allergies and the upkeep involved. But tonight, with the weight of grief and responsibility pressing upon me, I couldn't resist the urge to provide comfort, even if just for a moment.

        Slipping through the back door as quietly as possible, I carried the cat into the kitchen, setting it down gently on the floor. It looked around with wide eyes, curiosity mingled with caution as it explored its new surroundings.

        I rummaged through the pantry, finding a can of tuna tucked away in the back. Opening it with a quiet hiss, I scooped out a generous portion onto a small saucer, placing it in front of the cat. Its nose twitched at the scent, and without hesitation, it began to eat, devouring the food with a hunger that spoke of days spent fending for itself.

       Watching the cat eat, a sense of peace settled over me. In this small act of kindness, I found a momentary reprieve from the weight of my responsibilities. The cat, oblivious to the turmoil that plagued my thoughts, offered comfort in its own quiet way. "You can stay here tonight," I whispered softly, stroking its fur as it finished the last morsels of tuna. "Just for tonight."

       The cat glanced up at me with gratitude shining in its eyes, as if understanding the unspoken promise of safety and warmth. With a contented purr, it curled up on a nearby cushion, settling into a makeshift bed for the night. As I turned off the kitchen light and tiptoed back to my room, a smile touched my lips. Tonight, in the company of a stray cat and the silent embrace of the night, I had found a fleeting sense of peace amidst the chaos. And for that, I was grateful.

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