✮ - talk to it!

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Chapter XIII: The Veil of Madness

       In the ancient rites of invoking the spirit Elowen, one must tread cautiously through the shadows of the mind, for what lies beyond may rend the fabric of sanity itself. The chosen vessel, blessed by Elowen's touch, may find themselves gripped by visions and whispers that pierce the veil between worlds.

        The psychosis that grips the chosen one is not merely a delusion but a conduit through which Elowen speaks. Her power, raw and primal, surges through the mind, unraveling the threads of reason and weaving dark tendrils of influence. Visions of shadows moving in the periphery, whispers of ancient tongues that echo through the soul—these are the marks of Elowen's presence.

       Fear not the descent into madness, for within the chaos lies enlightenment. The chosen one must embrace the fractures of their mind, for it is through shattered perceptions that the true nature of Elowen's gifts shall be revealed. Each hallucination, each fleeting glimpse of a spectral figure, is a breadcrumb on the path to understanding.

      Yet, tread lightly, for Elowen's tests are not without peril. The psychosis may manifest in forms both subtle and grotesque—a flicker of movement in the mirror that does not reflect, the sensation of icy fingers brushing against bare skin in a sunlit room. These manifestations are not mere tricks of the mind but glimpses into the ethereal realm where Elowen reigns.

        The nights shall be long and fraught with restless dreams, where reality blurs and nightmares take shape. Do not recoil from these visions, for they are the whispers of Elowen's truth. Embrace the fear that grips the heart, for within fear lies the crucible of strength.

       Know this, chosen one: you are the vessel through which Elowen's will is made manifest. The psychosis is but a crucible, refining your spirit into a conduit of power. Embrace the darkness that threatens to engulf you, for within its depths lies the brilliance of Elowen's divine essence.

      May the reader find solace in these words, for they are both warning and affirmation. The path of invoking Elowen is fraught with peril, yet through adversity comes enlightenment. Embrace the madness, for it is the harbinger of transformation.


       I clutched the ancient book tightly against my chest, its leather cover worn and crackling under my fingers. My eyes were wide, haunted by the visions that had been plaguing me for days. Billy, standing beside me, looked concerned, his usually cocky demeanor softened by genuine worry. "I just don't understand, Billy," I murmured, her voice trembling slightly. "We were supposed to invoke Elowen together, but now... I'm the only one who's affected. The powers, the visions... they're tearing me apart."

Billy's brow furrowed as he considered my words. He had stumbled upon me almost by accident, but seeing my distress made him realize this was far more serious than he initially thought. "You said Elowen is your God, right?" Billy asked cautiously, trying to piece together what little he knew about pagan rituals from horror movies and internet searches. "Maybe... maybe you're connected to him in a way the others aren't. Like... he chose you for some reason."

I shook my head, my red hair whipping around my face in the cold breeze. "But why me? Courtney and Nadia were there too. They chanted the same words, performed the same rituals. It doesn't make sense." Silence settled between us for a moment, broken only by the distant sound of rustling leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl. Billy glanced around nervously, feeling out of his depth but determined to help me however he could. "Look, Nat," he began tentatively, using the nickname he knew I liked. "I may not know much about this stuff, but I know you. You're strong. Maybe... maybe the answer isn't in that book." I looked down at the ancient tome in my hands, its pages filled with symbols and incantations I could barely comprehend. "Then where is it, Billy? How do I stop these visions? I feel like I'm losing my mind."

Billy stepped closer, his expression earnest. "We'll figure it out together. You're not alone in this, okay? Maybe we should talk to someone who understands this pagan stuff better. Or... or maybe we just need to find a way to reverse what you did."

My eyes flickered with a mixture of hope and fear. "Can we really do that?" Billy shrugged, a small, reassuring smile tugging at his lips. "Hey, if anyone can, it's us. We survived a killer in a Ghostface mask, remember? This is just... another kind of mystery. We'll solve it."

I managed a weak smile in return, grateful for Billy's unwavering support. Despite the darkness closing in around me, I felt a glimmer of hope ignite within. Maybe with Billy by my side, we could unravel the mystery of Elowen and put an end to my torment.

"Okay," she said softly, nodding as determination sparked in her eyes. "Let's do this."
Billy grinned, relief flooding through him as he saw me steel myself against the storm within. Together, we turned away from the open field, leaving behind the shadows and uncertainties, ready to face whatever lay ahead.


The moonlight filtered through the dusty windows, casting a surreal glow on the old wooden ouija board between Billy and me. Our fingers rested lightly on the planchette, anticipation and apprehension hanging heavy in the air.

       "Billy, are you sure about this?" I asked quietly, my voice betraying the mix of fear and determination swirling inside me. He glanced at me, his expression serious yet supportive. "We need answers, Natalie. Elowen owes you that much."

      With a deep breath, we began to ask our questions. "Elowen, are you there?" The planchette moved slowly at first, gliding towards 'Yes' with an unsettling certainty. I exchanged a nervous glance with Billy, my heart pounding in my chest.

      "What do you want from me, Elowen?" I asked, my voice trembling.

      The planchette started to spell out words, each letter carving out a chilling message. "Power. Sacrifice. Control."

       I felt a knot tighten in my stomach, the weight of Elowen's words sinking in. Billy's reassuring touch on my hand grounded me as we faced the ominous messages together. "What kind of sacrifice? What do you mean?" I pressed, desperate for clarity. The planchette moved again, spelling out cryptic messages that sent a chill down my spine. "Blood. Fear. Yours." Billy's grip tightened on my hand, his voice steady yet urgent. "Natalie, don't listen to this. You're stronger than whatever this is." Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of fear and frustration overwhelming me. "Elowen, why are you doing this to me? I trusted you."

        The planchette moved more insistently now, as if Elowen herself was determined to make me understand. "Power flows through you. Embrace it. Fear is for the weak."

        Amid the unsettling messages, a different message seemed to emerge—a whisper of reassurance cutting through the darkness.

       "Natalie," the planchette spelled out slowly, "strong. chosen. Embrace. destiny.  prevail."

        I blinked back tears, feeling a surge of determination rising within me. "I... I can do this," I whispered, my voice steadier now. "I won't let fear control me."

       Billy nodded, pride shining in his eyes. "That's right, Nat. We'll figure this out together." As we lifted our hands from the ouija board, leaving behind the haunting messages, I felt clarity wash over me. The path ahead might be fraught with challenges, but with Billy by my side and newfound strength within myself, I was ready to confront whatever Elowen had in store.

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