✮ - secrets undone

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       The morning sun filtered weakly through the windows of Woodsboro High, casting long shadows across the linoleum floor of the crowded hallway. My heart still heavy with the events of last night, I found myself standing with Courtney and Nadia near our lockers, our voices hushed as we exchanged worried glances.

"Can you believe it, Nat?" Courtney's voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "Matthew... he's really gone." I look at Courtney, dumbfounded at how pathetic she was being. "He hurt you, Courtney. He hurt a lot of other girls as well, he deserved it."

Nadia's dark eyes bore into mine, filled with a mix of fear and determination. "Do you think Ghostface is targeting us now?" I swallowed hard, trying to push aside the chilling image of that masked figure that haunted my thoughts. "I don't know. It could be anyone." Courtney shifted uncomfortably, her fingers absently tracing the edges of her textbook. "Everyone was at Stu's party. It could be someone from school."

"People saw him," Nadia added, her voice barely above a whisper. "But no one saw his face. Just that mask."

The bell rang, snapping us out of our grim discussion, but none of us moved. We were united in our fear, our need for answers outweighing the mundane routine of classes.

"We have to do something," I said, my voice tinged with urgency. "The police aren't enough. We need to find out who's behind Ghostface."

Courtney glanced around nervously, her gaze flitting over the passing students. "Maybe Randy could help. He knows everything about these horror movie scenarios. Maybe he has a theory."

Nadia nodded slowly, her expression thoughtful. "And our coven... Maybe we can use our powers to uncover the truth."

The idea hung in the air between us, a daring proposition that both intrigued and frightened me. We had always known our pagan practices held a deeper connection to the unseen, but to use them for something so dangerous...

As the hallway began to empty, we finally parted ways, each lost in our own thoughts. But the pact we silently made lingered in the air around us—a promise to confront the darkness that threatened to engulf our town, no matter the risks.

I walked to my first class with a heavy heart, my mind racing with questions and uncertainties. But amidst the fear, a flicker of determination burned brightly within me. We would find the truth behind Ghostface. We had to.

After the final bell rang, signaling the end of another monotonous school day, Courtney, Nadia, and I gathered our resolve. We needed answers, and Randy Meeks, the horror aficionado who worked at the local Blockbuster, seemed like our best bet. As we stepped into the musty-smelling store, the familiar sight of rows upon rows of VHS tapes greeted us. The air was tinged with nostalgia, but today, our purpose was far from a casual movie night. "There he is," Nadia whispered, pointing discreetly toward the counter where Randy stood, engrossed in rearranging the display of new releases.

       We exchanged nervous glances before making our way toward him, our footsteps muffled by the worn carpeting.

        "Hey, Randy," I greeted him tentatively, trying to keep my voice steady despite the tension in my chest.

       Randy looked up, a flicker of surprise crossing his face before he broke into a friendly grin. "Hey, Nat, Courtney, Nadia. What's up?" Courtney leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need to talk to you about something serious."

       Randy's expression grew serious as he motioned for us to follow him to a quieter corner of the store. "What's going on?"

      Nadia took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the store cautiously before she spoke. "It's about the murders, Randy. Matthew... he was killed last night."

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