Chapter XII: Respite II

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Lua wakes up from her sleep in a cold sweat.

"What.. was that?.."

Lua gets out of the bed she's in. She notices she's in a moderately sized room, its walls made of painted brick, with color reminiscent of a light beige. She gets up and explores her surroundings, she walks to a nearby table, noticing a small stack of clothes with a note atop. She can just barely make out the handwriting, with some parts left unreadable for her.

"Hey, you ???? asleep for ??? ??? long. We got these clothes ??? you since your ??????? ones suck. Sorry ?? ???? don't fit well. You ??? ???? find me ???? ??? finish, I'll be outside somewhere. ???? don't ??? lost."

"Easier said then done.."

Lua scoffs, then she inspects the clothes Xon got her, before switching into them.

She now wore a slightly oversized bright yellow T shirt with a purple star in the middle, and brown cargo shorts.

After changing, Lua heads outside to look for Xon. She is met with shining rays from the sun, and for the first time in a while, they live in peace. Lua roamed the gravel streets of the residential area, not only looking around for Xon, but just enjoying her freedom. She walks past a series of residences before turning at the end of a corridor. Immediately after turning the corner, she run's into someone unexpected.

Lua: "Huh, what are YOU doing here?!"

The young girl in-front of Lua turns around, sharing a surprised look.

Lainie: "Your not DEAD?! I thought Xon would have killed you by now!"

Lua: "Why would he kill me?"

Lainie glares briefly before walking towards Lua.

Lainie: "Regardless, what are you doing here, your curse is gone already, so you should be long gone."

Lua: "Im here with Xon, of course."

Lainie: "So he forgave you? Lucky."

Lua scoffs.

Lua: "Now explain why you're here."

Lainie: "Well.. I'm actually here to pass a message on to Xon from both Kendou and the King. So i could either relay the message to you and leave, or stay and find him myself."

Lainie: "I would prefer the former, since I wont have to worry about getting found and thrown in prison."

Lua: "Well, I don't know if my memory is the most trustworthy."

Lainie: "Guess i'll be staying then."

Lua: "New friends doesn't sound like a bad thing."

Lainie: "Yea, sure."

Lua continues walking forwards and Lainie follows. They don't travel far from where they met before Lua stops once again.

Lua: "Do you ever just randomly teleport to strange places when you sleep in a bed?"

Lainie: "Do you mean.. dreaming?"

Lua: "Dreaming.. Is that what happened?"

Lainie: "Oh my.. do you ACTUALLY not know what a dream is? Who raised you?!"

Lua: "No one.."

Lainie sighs briefly before explaining to Lua.

Lainie: "When you fall asleep sometimes your brain puts on a random made up movie, it could be about literally anything and they usually never make sense."

Lua: "Anything? That sounds nice, and It only happens when I sleep?"

Lainie: "Yes, but have you never dreamed before?"

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