Chapter 2

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It's the end of the day and I walk to my locker from my last class. I get to my locker and I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. It's Sam. Oh my gosh, what does he want?

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" he asks, looking at me with his beautiful eyes.

"Um, I don't know if I can. My parents might need my help at their book store," I say, not entirely lying to him. My parents do own a book store, but they never need my help.

"Oh, OK, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," he says, turning away with a sad look on his face. 

"Bye, I guess."

*the next day*

I'm walking to school today and I realize that I have a follower. A hand grabs my arm and I let out a little yelp of fear. To my surprise, it's my best friend Jaime.

"Oh my Chuck, you scared the crap out of me!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, I had to. You were so oblivious to my presense that I couldn't help myself," she says, holding her stomach from laughing so hard. At this point, she's laughing so hard that no noise is coming out of her mouth and she's standing there, clapping like a retarded seal.

I start laughing at her and keep walking, because I don't want to be late to school. She stops laughing and runs to catch up with me. She asks me a question that catches me off-guard.

"Do you like that new kid Sam?"

"Um, I don't know. Why?" I ask.

"Well, yesterday he kept talking about you in one of the classes I have with him and he seems to like you," she says looking straight ahead. 

Well, I haven't really given it much thought if I like Sam or not. Yeah sure, he's hot but I don't think we'll be anything other than friends. I snap out of my thoughts as I walk into the school to face another boring day. I walk to my locker and put in my combination. I get my locker open but one of the guys from the football team slams my locker door shut. He walks away, laughing with his friends. I put my combination in again and I see someone walk up to me. I think it's another jock, but as I turn around to say something hateful, I see that it's Sam and I instantly lose all thinking process. 

Today, he's wearing another stupid sports shirt and shorts, along with his basketball shoes. His hair is pushed up in a quiff and may I say, he looks so hot today. I mentally kick myself when I realize I'm staring at him. He looks down at me and smiles. Of course his teeth are perfectly straight. He says something to me but I didn't catch what he said. 

"Did you hear what I just said?" he asked.

"No, I'm sorry," I say. 

"I said, would you maybe wanna stay in the library today and just hang out?"

"Sure, I guess," I say. 

"Awesome, so I'll see you by your locker, then?" he asks. 

"Yeah, that's fine."

The day drags on with no excitement. I'm so bored that I start to draw in my spare notebook. I draw stupid things like "Long live Lawlorff" and "Trevor Moran is bae". I didn't realize that I was drawing "I love Sam" until Jaime saw it. 

"Oooh, you do like Sam," she whispered. 

"What, no I don't," I say, looking down and gasping. I quickly rip out the paper and throw it away. I sit down and Jaime starts laughing. 

"Well, obviously you do because you wrote it," she says, unconvinced by my statement. 

"Well, he's nice but I don't think he'll go for me," I whisper, trying not to be heard by the teacher.

"Why do you say that?"

"We're in two different social groups, him in jock and me in gothic weirdoes," I say, with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Oh, well maybe he can get past the fact that you're in a different social group than him," she says, noticing my sadness. 

The bell rings and the day is over. I walk to my locker and put my books away and grab my bag. I remember my plans for after school. I text my mom and tell her I'm gonna be at the school's library for about an hour. She replies within seconds and says have fun. I wait for about five minutes and start to walk to the library. I open the door and I'm greeted by the librarian. He's an older man, about 40, with glasses and a receding hair line. I walk by him and he quietly says hi. I say hi back and find a seat. I put my stuff down and go in search of a book. I walk down the mystery aisle and hear a soft thud. I walk towards the sound and am in shock of what I see. It's Sam and Brittany, the girl that was hanging on him yesterday. They were making out, hardcore and Sam pulled away as he noticed me. He starts to call after me but I pick up my stuff and run out of the library and the school. I start to run down the sidewalk when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

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