Chapter 15

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I got a message from Chris. Why would he be texting me after what he did to me? I look at my phone for a few seconds and decide to read the message.

C: Hey, I heard about what happened to you.

A: OK, and?

C: I just wanted to see if you're OK.

A: Yeah, I'm fine. Apparently I have memory loss.

C: Wow, that's not good.

A: Nice observation, Sherlock.

C: Sorry, I'll try not to be Captain Obvious.

A: Yeah, that would be nice.

C: How far back can you remember?

A: The doctor said it was at least a week. I can't remember this Sam guy everyone keeps talking about.

Chris stops texting for a while.

A: Hello???

C: Oh, sorry. I was just thinking.

A: About?

C: Us, could we give it another try?

A: No, we were never really together. You messed up.

C: Come on, please. I could probably treat you better than Sam.

That struck a nerve. I don't know why, but I felt like Sam was better than Chris. I can't remember Sam, but Chris is not getting another chance. I only give people second chances if I believe they truly deserve them, and Chris does not. He got handsy and I did not like that.

A: I have to go.

C: OK, just think about what I said.

I look at Sam's message and my heart skips a beat. He's really attractive and he's talking to a troll. What does he see in me?

S: Hey Angela, I know you don't really remember me, but I just wanted to know if you'd like to go on a walk with me?

A: Yeah, sure. I'd love to.

S: OK, I'll come pick you up in about an hour?

A: Sounds good.

I get up and take a shower. I let the warm water run over me and I feel as though my worries wash away. I stand there for a while and think. I finish my thought and get out, feeling fresh. I walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit. I chose some black leggings, a black long sleeve shirt, black Vans, and a black scarf. Yes, I feel like dressing in all black today. I guess I'm just in one of those moods.

As I get my shoes on, I hear someone knock on my door. It's my sister. I love how she doesn't wait for me to say come in.

"Hey, little sister. How are you?" she asks with a faint smile.

"I'm OK, just going out with Sam. We're going on a walk."

"Oh, that's cool. Hope you guys have fun."

"Yeah, me too."

I walk over to my vanity table and start applying makeup. I'm not gonna over overdo my makeup, just apply some mascara, eyeliner, and some Chap Stick. I hear my phone go off and get up to get it. I have a message from Sam.

S: I'm outside.

A: OK, be down in a sec.

I check my makeup one last time and head downstairs. My mom and dad must have gone to work so I text mom and tell her I'm going on a walk with Sam. She replies back and tells me to have fun.

I'm really nervous, but I don't know why. As I walk out the door, I see Sam sitting on the porch steps. I walk over and he looks up. He has this look of love in his eyes and my heart flutters. I can't believe I can't remember this gorgeous guy in front of me.

"Are you ready?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, let's go," I say and step of the porch.

We're walking down the sidewalk and I put in my earbuds. Day N Night by Kid Cudi comes on and I start jamming out. I forget Sam is standing there and he has a smile on his face. I pass him an earbud and he starts singing along. I laugh, not expecting him to know this song. We come to a stop and start looking at each other. I notice he has these amazing eyes and that his hair is perfectly swept to the side. We continue walking and that's when I feel something weird.

I stop and it feels kinda like a mild headache. I slowly sink to ground and Sam catches me before I hurt myself. I sit through pain, trying not to cry. When I think the pain is over, I get hit with another wave of pain. I finally let out a scream and people passing give Sam a scared look. I hear him talk to someone and then everything goes black.

"Honey, can you hear me?" I hear a voice ask me.

I go to lift my head but I quickly put it back down because the pain is too bad.

"Yeah, I can here you, but my head hurts so much. Please make it stop hurting," I say with tears pouring out of my eyes.

"I'll try baby, hold on let me get the doctor." I hear the sound of shoes on the floor walk away from me.

"Hey, baby sis," I hear my sister say and I feel her grab my hand.

"Hey," I say and turn my head toward her.

"Y'know, Sam's outside and he won't stop asking about you."

"Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" Dr. Kenya walks into the room.

"Like I got hit in the face with a brick," I reply dryly.

"I bet. So do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, me and Sam were walking and I felt like I was getting a headache, but the pain got worse and that's the last thing I remember," I say, putting my hand over my eyes.

"Well, it would appear that your brain has swollen and it's twice the size it should be. Your brain is pushing against your skull, causing the pain," Dr. Kenya says.

"Oh. Can we do anything to stop the swelling?" my mom asks.

"Yes, she'll have to rest a lot, and take this medication. It'll make you tired, but that's normal."

"Are there any bad side effects?" my dad asks, grabbing my other hand.

"Well, there's drowsiness and there might possibly be some vomiting."

"So basic side effects?"

"Yeah, pretty much. So I'll go get the medication and give you one to take right now, and I'll give you a strong pill for the pain. I'll be right back, OK?" she says and walks out.

I sink down into the bed and close my eyes. I feel sleep grab me in its clutches, but I don't fight. I accept willingly. I have the most vivid and bizarre dream.

*I hope you like this update. I don't like doing this to you, but I had to. What do you think is gonna happen in her dream? Do you think she'll start to get her memory back? Love you guys :* =3*

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