Chapter 5

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I'm watching the movie, laughing at the stupidity of Doug and Steve. I love this movie with all my heart and I'm glad we're watching it. I'm guessing Sam has never seen this movie because he doesn't think any of this is funny. I really didn't when I first watched it, but I learned to LOVE it. I didn't realize Sam was staring at me until I reached over to take a drink.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, just watching the movie, and watching you enjoy the movie," he says, matter-of-factually.

"Oh, OK, well, this is one of my favorite parts that's coming up," I tell him, trying to take his attention off of me. He looks at the TV and I blush slightly. I can't believe I have the new kid in my house and he's sitting literally 4 feet away from me. I get up to use the bathroom. I walk down the hallway and turn into the doorway. I shut the door and let out a barely audible fan-girl scream. I can't believe I have the hottest guy in school at my house and we almost kissed a few hours ago. This is so weird, it feels like a dream. I walk out of the bathroom and sit back down. I notice my parents left and are probably in the kitchen, making dinner. I didn't know if Sam was staying so I decided to ask.

"Are you staying for dinner?" I ask, hopefully.

"Uh, I don't know, I'd have to call my parents and ask them, but I was planning on it so we could do our homework together after," he says, looking me in the eyes.

"OK then, well I'll pause the movie and let you do that then," I say hitting the pause button on the remote and walking out of the room. I hear Sam call me from the living room to tell me what his dad said.

"They said it's fine as long as I come home after we do our homework. I told them I was gonna stay and do mine after I ate dinner," he says.

"That sounds like a plan," I hear my dad say, walking back into the living room with a smile on his face. He seems to like Sam, but I'm really surprised after what I told him when I got home crying. I assume Sam explained to my parents what happened. I'm hoping Sam explains what happened later, after dinner preferably. I'm probably gonna cry when I hear what Sam has to say, so I wanna do it away from my parents. I snap out of my thoughts as I sit back down on the couch and play the movie. I feel the couch deepen as I realize Sam is sitting closer to me on the couch. Now our arms are touching. I changed into sweats and a huge hoodie when I came home so I didn't feel his arm touch me until I looked over and his face was so close to mine. I hope my dad went back into the kitchen, because if not, this is going to get really awkward. I can feel his hot breath on my face and I realize I'm leaning in.

"Do you wanna try that kiss again, before we were so rudely interrupted?" he asks, looking into my hazel eyes.

"It would be nice," I say quickly, leaning in fast so our lips could finally touch.

I feel his soft lips touch mine and it's like Heaven on Earth. I felt time slow down and everything blurred around us. I sat up, pressing my chest closer to him so it was easier to kiss him back. He sat up the same time I did and we never broke the kiss. I've never kissed anyone before and I don't know what to do but I soon learned as we continued. We were moving in sync and it was amazing while it lasted. I heard my dad clear his throat and we instantly pulled apart.

"Sorry to interrupt, but dinner's ready," he says with a smirk on his face.

I flush beat red and stand up and walk into the kitchen to fix my plate. Mom cooked pork chops, mac and cheese, and green beans. My favorite. I sit down at the table and immediately dig in. It's so good. I love her cooking. Sam decides to sit beside and is watching me with an amused look on his face.

"What, this is amazing food," I say, with a little smile.

"I bet it is, but you should at least savor your food a little bit, don't you think," he says, trying to keep in his laughter.

"Yeah, but I'd rather scarf it down, thank you very much."

"OK then."

My parents take their seats at the head of the table and start polite dinner conversation. Sam and I reply with practically the same answers, but that's pretty much the highlight of dinner until Dad decides to bring up what happened not 20 minutes ago.

"So, what were you two doing in there?" he asks, making me choke on my piece of pork chop. I cough and reach for my water. I take a big sip and finally answer him before Sam says anything.

"Well, remember what I told you when I came inside after school?" He nods. "What we were doing was continuing what we started before we got interrupted by Brittany," I say, my voice getting fainter as I finish talking. I blush again and look down, picking at my food. I quickly look up and see my mom and dad both with a smile on their face. Sam is silent and I kinda forgot he was there. My dad starts to laugh and I feel myself exhale, not realizing I was holding my breath.

"It's perfectly fine, honey. I was just curious. I didn't mind you guys "making out", but it would've been nice if you had warned me before I walked in and saw it," he says.

I had my face in my hands from pure embarrassment at what my dad just said. Sam's face has gone white and I can't help but laugh a little. He tries to speak but it comes out as a stutter and he just stops trying to say what he was going to say. I finish my dinner and wash my dishes. I walk up to my room and play some loud music again. I don't want to hear anymore of my dad's questions so I wait for Sam to finish eating. I hear footsteps and see my door open to reveal Sam with his backpack. I stand and apologize for what just happened.

"I'm sorry for what my dad said. I don't know about you, but that was very embarrassing for me. I've never heard my dad say something like that before," I say, my words coming out in a rush.

"It's OK, I just didn't expect him to see us and then say something about it," he says, looking at his hands and starting to blush.

"Yeah, my dad can be awkward when he wants to."

"Yeah, so should we start our homework now?"

*WOW, that was awkward. What do you think will happen while they're doing their homework? Do you think they will kiss again or just do their homework? Comment what you think.*

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