Chapter 6

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We start our homework, not talking for awhile. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't pleasant either. I was hoping Sam would start explaining what happened earlier with the kiss and with what happened outside of the school. I really want to know if we will have a relationship or just a friendship. It would be nice to have a relationship, but if it doesn't work out, I don't know if I could be his friend. I might start to develop strong feelings for him and that might get in the way of our friendship, if we even have one. I'm snapped out of my rapid fire thinking by Sam asking me a math question.

"Angela, did you hear me?" he asks.

"No, I'm sorry, can you repeat it?" I ask.

"Can you help me with number 32? I don't understand this one," he says, scooting closer to me so he can hear my explaination of the question. 

"Yeah, sure, it's 3x+7= 4x-3, right?"

"Yeah, I'm not so good at these types of questions."

"Well, you're in luck, I happen to know how to solve these questions perfectly," I say, with a little giggle.

"Well then lead on," he says, with a smirk that lights up his beautiful blue eyes.

As I explain how to find the answer, I can feel his eyes on me. I'm pretty sure he wants to kiss again, and I do too, but I don't know if I can do it again. The last times we did, we got interruppted and it didn't end well both times. So, as I continue to explain, I feel his hand rest gently on mine as I draw some examples for him to try real quick.

"I think I can do this now," he says, bringing his face a couple inches from mine. I could feel his hot breath on my face and it sent a shiver down my spine. I started to lean away, but Sam leaned in farther and our lips almost touched. I wanted them to, but I pulled away. I got up real fast, running quickly to the bathroom. I shut and locked the door. I couldn't help but feel my face flush red as I replay what just happened. I think he likes me, but I can't be sure because we only just met yesterday. I know I like him because I can't explain the pull I feel towards him. Maybe he feels that pull too. I unlock the door and walk back into my room and sit down. Sam looks up with a worried look on his face.

"Are you OK? You ran out of here kinda fast," he says.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, looking down at my homework, not wanting to look into his amazingly gorgeous eyes. Get it together, girl!, I say mentally. Since I'm almost finished with my homework, I get up and turn on some music. I put on Make it Nasty, by Tyga and start to sing along with him. I see Sam give me a look like, You listen to this? I give him the look like, Hell yeah, this is my jam. He goes back to doing his homework and I start to dance. He looks up with his peripheral vision and I see his face blush and I start to laugh my ass off. I don't dance around many people because I really can't, but when I do dance, I blow everybody away. As the song ends, I sit back down and finish the rest of my homework. Hollywood Undead comes on and I calm down. Now, I know what you're thinking, Hollywood Undead shouldn't calm me down, but weirdly, it does.

"That was some interesting dancing I just saw," Sam says, with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Yeah, well, I don't dance much," I say, starting to blush.

"You dance better than me, so it's all good. When I dance, I look like a flamingo on Ritalin," he says, starting to laugh.

As I picture a flamingo on Ritalin, I'm laughing so hard that I can't breath. I'm laughing for a good five minutes, and it takes me a second to catch my breath, and when I do, I ask something I don't ask many people.

"Let me see some moves," I say with the same devilish smirk he had before.

"OK, but fair warning, I suck," he says while standing up.

I change the music to Gas Pedal, by Sage the Gemini, and he starts to move. I'll admit, he could dance, but I was just a little bit better than him. He did kinda look like a flamingo on Ritalin there at the end, but other than that, he did good. The song ends and he sits down next to me. He looks me in the eyes and I can't help but laugh just a little bit.

"You were pretty good, but I'd have to give you a 9.5," I say, holding my stomach from laughing so much. 

"Wow, thanks. I guess I did better than I thought," he says with a smile.

He leans in and our lips collide once more. I feel those sparks again and I want to get lost in this amazing feeling. I move closer to him and I push my body against his. Our lips move in sync and I feel like this moment will last forever. I want it to, but being the idiot that I am, I pull away. I feel bad because we are both blushing and I don't know what to say. 

"Well, I think I'm gonna go," Sam says, putting his stuff into his backpack. 

"OK, well I'll walk you to the door. Do you need to call your dad real quick?" I ask.

"No, I'll just walk, I don't live very far."

"OK. Do you, by any chance, wanna give me your number, in case you need help with anymore math problems?" I ask, trying not to blush from embarrassment. I've never asked a guy for his number before.

"Uh, yeah. Here, hand me your phone." I hand him my phone and he puts his number in my phone. I put in my number and we walk out of my room. We walk down the stairs, side by side and I open the front door. 

"Bye Sam, see you tomorrow," I say, looking into his eyes. God, they are so amazing. I feel like I could look into them all day.

"Bye Angela," he says, leaning in and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I blush and close the door. My mom walks in and pats the couch by her. 

"So, how was your homework session?" she asks, with a smirk on her face.

"It was... great. I had fun," I say, with a big smile.

"You really like him, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. I know we just met, but I feel like we might have something," I say.

"Well, I'm happy for you. I think you guys would be cute." With that, I walk upstairs to my room and blare Blood on the Dance Floor. 

*Wow, that was intense. What do you think will happen at school tomorrow? Do you think Sam will ask to hang out or will rumors float around?*

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