Chapter 3

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I'm spun around to face the person who has their hand on my shoulder. It's Sam and he doesn't look as happy as he usually is. His blue eyes were sad looking and it broke my heart to see them like that. He starts to talk, but I cut him off.

"Why? I thought we were gonna hang out, but I guess you already had plans," I say, hurt.

"I was sitting in the library, waiting for you, but Brittany pulled me out of my seat and started kissing me. I didn't know what to do and it didn't feel right. I just did it so she would leave me alone," he says, looking down at the ground.

"Really, because it looked like you were enjoying it," I say, with some hurt in my voice. I feel tears brim my eyes and one escapes.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm sorry," he says, pushing my chin up with his index finger, making me look into his eyes. 

I hear my breath catch as I look up into his amazingly beautiful blue eyes. He starts to lean his head in, when I hear the most annoyingly high voice behind Sam. 

"Oh my God, what are you doing kissing that loser?" Brittany says, smirking at me with her hand on her hip.

"Why do you care?" I say, looking around Sam to spit my remark.

"Well, for one, he was kissing me first, and two, he's my boyfriend," she says.

"What? Sam, is that true?" I say, disbelieve lacing my voice.

"N-n-no, I don't know what she's talking about," he stutters. He looks like he's hiding something, so I just walk away, not caring what he has to say.

"Yeah, that's right. Run away, like the scared wimp you are!" she shouts as I walk faster down the street to my house. As soon as I walk through the door, I throw my bag against the wall and break down into tears. My dad walks through the door from the kitchen and is immediately by my side.

"Baby girl, what's wrong? Did something happen?" he asks, concern in his voice.

"No, nothing happened. I don't know why I'm crying. It's over something stupid," I say through tears.

"Are you sure it's nothing, because if it wasn't nothing, you wouldn't be crying," he says, pulling me into his arms.

"Well, this is embarrassing to say to my dad, but I was about to kiss a boy that I like, and we got interuppted by the girl he was kissing before me," I say into his chest.

"Why were you going to kiss him if he was kissing someone else?" he asks.

"He wasn't actually kissing the girl before me, he was just doing it so she would leave him alone," I tell him, taking a deep breath.

"Oh, well what did the girl say to you?"

"She said, "Why are you kissing my boyfriend?" and I didn't wanna hear what he was going to say so I ran home," I say, starting to cry again. 

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry. He obviously isn't worth your time if he makes my beautiful girl cry like this," he says soothingly.

"I know, but I like him for some unknown reason that I can't explain," I say, wiping my eyes.

"How can you like him if you just met him yesterday?" he asks, confused. 

"Like I said, I don't know. I just feel drawn to him and I can't explain why," I say, kind of annoyed.

"Ok, well, if that's how you feel then I'll let you feel that way, but if this happens again, I think it would be best if you don't talk to him for a while," my dad says, giving me some hopefully useful advice. 

"Ok, I will, thanks dad, for letting me pour my heart out to you and understanding," I say.

"No problem, baby girl," he says, walking back into the kitchen.

I grab my bag and walk upstairs to my room. I shut my door and plug in my phone and listen to some soothing music. I shuffle through my playlist and find one of my favorite songs, The Drug in Me is You, by Falling in Reverse. I turn it up loud and walk into my bathroom to take off my smearing makeup. I dance along as I replay the previous events in my mind. I don't know if Brittany was lying so I would get mad, but when she said Sam and her were dating, I just wanted to go up and smack her. To think she could take what I considered mine was just horrifying. He wasn't mine, but I wanted him to be, but I don't know if I want him to be mine now. I hear a loud knock on my door and hear my mom tell me I have a visitor. I wonder who it is as I walk down the stairs. I'm in shock when I see who's sitting on my couch.

Uh-oh, who do you think who it is? Comment who you think it is. 

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