Chapter 8

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As soon as the bell rings, I quickly run to my locker and get my bag so I can hurry home. I run into Sam and he gives me a big smile. He looks excited. I'm excited too but I feel bad because I lied to Jaime. I didn't tell her this was a date. I just told her we were gonna hang out. I look Sam in the eyes and give him what I hope is a genuine smile. I walk out the doors and put my headphones in. I start to jam out and don't notice that Brittany is behind me. I feel her hand connect with the back of my head. I turn around and look at her with more surprise than hurt. She starts to laugh and I realize she got that on video. I didn't really care but I knew what she was capable of. She would manipulate that video and my life would be ruined and it's only 3 days into the school year. I run away as fast as I can and finally reach home. I get a text from Sam.

S- Hey, what time do you wanna leave?

A- Whenever is fine, do you want me to change into anything?

S- No, it's fine. We're just gonna walk around in the park for awhile.

A- OK, I have to text my mom and tell her where I'm going. Just message me when you're at my door.

I message my mom and tell her Sam and I are gonna hang out at the park. She messages back have fun, but not too much fun. I jokingly reply no promises and she replies with a happy face. As I wait for Sam, I put my school stuff by my desk and walk into the bathroom to check my hair and make-up, just in case. I hear my phone buzz and see Sam is outside. I walk down the stairs and open the door. He's sitting on my porch with a white rose in his hand. I don't know what to do so I walk over and carefully grab the rose. I walk inside with Sam close behind. I walk into the kitchen and grab a cup and put some water and sugar in it. I place the rose in the cup and turn around. I'm taken by surprise as Sam places his soft lips on mine. I return the kiss and move closer to him. We stand there kissing for about 2 minutes until he pulls away.

"There will be plenty of time for that at the park," he says with a devilish smirk on his face.

I stand there, with a surprised look on my face. We walk to the door and start walking after I lock it. Sam grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. I don't know what to say so I start humming my favorite song. It's something I do when I don't know what to do. Sam starts humming along and I realize that he has the same taste as me. We're humming Where Art Thou, by DJ Rupp, and that's when I know that we would be a good couple.

 We reach the park and sit down on a bench. I pull out my phone and give him an earbud. I put mine in my ear and start my playlist. Hollywood Undead comes on, How We Roll, to be specific. I love this song and start to sing the lyrics. Sam looks at me and a smile grows on his face. He starts to sing the next verse and I can't help but smile at how into it he's getting. 

"Who's your favorite singer?" I ask.

"It's either J3T, Danny, or Charlie Scene," he says.

"Oh my God, I love J3T! I love the way his voice sounds when he sings," I say, with a smile on my face.

He leans in and our lips collide once again. I move closer to him as our lips move in sync, like always. He puts his hands on my cheeks and turns my head. I do the same as I close the gap between us. He's an amazing kisser. I don't know what I'm doing, but I quickly learn. I feel Sam put his tongue on my lip as if asking for permission. I open my mouth and feel something completely new. I put my tongue in his mouth and they move in sync. I pull away trying to catch my breath. My heart is racing and I'm breathing heavily. 

"Well, that was... interesting," he says with a smile.

I smile as Aye Ma, by Sam Wilkinson comes on. I sing along with his amazing voice. Sam sings the next verse and I can't help but laugh. He sings the lyrics perfectly and I fall in love with Sam's voice. He sounds like him but not really. It's amazing. As the song ends, Sam's eyes look into mine. I start singing I Wanna Fly, by Trevor Moran and he looks at me with a smile. I don't think he knows this one so I keep singing. He nods at the part where he says, "You're a one of a kind," and I blush. I break concentration when I hear a voice I never expected to be hear. Christopher Jones.

"Hey Angel," he says.

"Hi Chris, how are you?" I ask politely, even though I'm angry he's here. 

"Oh, I'm fine, I guess. Who's this?" he asks.

"This is Sam," I say, as Sam looks at me with a confused look. I give him the I'll tell you later look.

He holds out his hand and Chris shakes it. Chris turns back to me like Sam isn't here.

"So what are you doing here?" he asks.

"Um, I'm kinda on a date with Sam," I say looking into Sam's beautiful eyes, trying to tune out Chris.

"Oh OK, well I guess I'll leave you guys alone. It was nice seeing you. Text me sometime?" 

"Yeah sure." Chris walks away and I let out a relieved breath. Sam looks at me with smile and I can't help but smile back. 

"What was up with him?" he asks.

"Oh well, me and him used to be really close, but we never really talk anymore. I really didn't expect him to be here, but I don't really know what he does anymore," I tell him, leaving out the part where he tried to make a move on me. I didn't want to tell him about that yet because he might freak out. We aren't dating but I can tell Sam would be the type to never try something like that unless I was fine with it. I'm sure Sam has done more than me in a relationship, physically speaking. 

"Oh OK," he says, looking into my eyes. Sam stands and pulls me up with him. He grabs my hand and starts walking into the woods. We still have our earbuds in and I'm singing Slay, by Trevor Moran. 

"You really like this guy, huh?" he says, with a smile.

"Yasss, Trevor Moran makes me happy. I love his music and his YouTube videos," I say, laughing.

"I've never watched them. You might have to show me sometime," he says.

"OK, it's a deal," I say with a smile.

We have been walking for about ten minutes and I decide to stop and sit in the grass. Sam lays down beside me and stares at the passing clouds. I lay back and look at him, taking in his features. I love the way his hair swoops to the side without him trying, I love the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, and I love the way, when he looks at me, his eyes sparkle. He looks at me like I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. It feels nice, even though nobody has ever looked at me like that.

"You have a smile on your face. What are you thinking about?" Sam asks.

"Nothing, just thinking," I say, trying not to give away the fact that I was thinking about him.

"OK," he simply says.

I look up at the clouds and see something I've never seen before. It's a heart. I take a picture and send it to Sam. He reads the message and smiles. He sends it back and I smile. He grabs my hand and interlock our fingers again. We sit there, staring at the clouds for about 2 hours, and I realize that I might need to head home before my parents worry.

"Sam, I think I need to head home," I say sadly.

"OK, then let's start walking back."

We stand and start walking back into the park. As we start walking, Sam asks me something I never expected.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

*Oh snap! What do you think she'll say?*

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