Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm playing, Grind On Me. I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom. I turn on the shower and get in. I wash my hair and body and get out. I pick out my outfit for today. I chose black ripped jeans, white see-through shirt and white undershirt, white bra, and and black Vans. I bring my outfit into the bathroom again and put on my make-up. I put on eyeliner, mascara, and Chapstick. I walk downstairs and eat some breakfast. I grab my favorite cereal and some coffee. My mom walks downstairs as soon as I walk out the door and tells me to have an amazing day. I yell a quick "I love you" and walk down the street. I put my headphones in my ears and blast my playlist. I don't realize I have a follower until he's right in front of me and I run into him. 

"Hey Angela, is it OK if I walk with you?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, sure, I guess. I was hoping to walk in silence, but yeah," I say, taking an earbud out.

We walk in silence for about 10 minutes until Sam decides to say something.

"Can I come over to your house again?"

"Really, you want to come over again? Is it homework related?" I ask.

"No, I just wanna hang out with you again," he says calmly. 

"Oh, OK, well I'm sure it'll be OK with my mom and dad."

We walk into the school and everyone gives us confused looks. I see Brittany give me a dirty look but Sam and I both ignore it. I walk to my locker and Sam walks to his, gets his stuff, and then walks back to mine. We walk to first hour together and take our seats. The bell rings and Mr. Frank walks in to start the class. He tells us to break into groups and start reading the book he has assigned us to read this quarter. We are reading Hunger Games and I wasn't too happy. The movie was OK, but I don't really like the idea of parents being forced to give their kids up and making them kill other kids. It doesn't seem right.

Sam asked me if I wanted to be in a group with him and I hesitantly said yes. I didn't know if people were gonna start making up rumors saying that Sam and I were dating. I would like to date him, but I don't think people will like us to stay together. I don't care what other people think, but many girls will try to keep us apart because Sam is good-looking and I'm not as pretty as other girls my age are. Sam could do better than me, but I don't think he thinks so. He obviously sees something in me that I don't. We start reading and I can feel Sam's eyes on me. We have two other people in our group and I know both of them, but I don't talk to them all the time. We make polite conversation so it isn't awkward, but that's pretty much it. I know their names, but we don't always talk. Nathan and Daniel Black, the twins, they both have dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and they're amazingly tall. I'm pretty sure they both play on the basketball team, but I'm not sure. 

As I finish reading, Nathan goes and Sam starts talking to me.

"Would you wanna go on a date with me after school?"

"I-I-I don't know. Maybe," I stutter, embarrassed. I've never been asked out on a date before. 

"OK, just let me know before school's over so I can figure out where we'd go." Sam starts reading and I look away, blushing. I got asked out on a date by the hottest guy in the school. Oh, great, here come the rumors. My life is probably going to become a living hell now that Sam and I are hanging out. My thinking is interruppted by an obnoxious voice squeaking to the person sitting next to me. I look up and see no other than Brittany herself, pushing herself onto Sam. She's dressed like slut today, probably on purpose. Today, she's wearing a short, black pencil skirt, white see-through shirt similar to mine, except she's not wearing an undershirt and you can see her black bra. She's wearing white Vans and way too much make-up. It's caked on her face and she looks terrible. I don't know what the guys in our grade see in her but she gets a lot of guys. 

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