I don't like Larry

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I worked perfectly fine with the three old night guards. At first they didn't like that I was a 15-year-old child but quickly got used to me after a year of working here. They were sweet and kind. Though Cecil liked to play tricks on me. He was like a fun grandpa to me and always wanted to tell me fun facts about the museum. He said it could come in handy one day. Though I very much doubted it. With the news of them retiring I was very upset.

"Are you kidding me you're retiring," I yelled.

"Mary Bear good morning," Cecil said.

"Good morning and it's Marion. Cecil you know that."

"Oh come on. With that name it makes you sound as old as me."

"And your nickname makes me sound like a baby."

"You are a baby," said Reginald.

I looked at Reginald straight in the eye.

"And you're leaving me with some rookie who probably doesn't know how to do there job," I responded.

"Mary you know it's not just us that are leaving," responded Cecil.

"I know. It was hard enough to let my coworkers go and take all the work by myself. Now your leaving me. What if the new guy gets so bored they has some kind of party in the middle of the night. Then i'll have to clean it up an even worse thought is. They just clean themselves. Then I'm out of the job and it took me forever to even find a job."

"Calm down squirt," said Gus.

I looked at Gus very angry. He's so little if I pounded him maybe I'll never have to see his snobby face again. I think I was about to do just that when Cecil put his hand on my shoulder.

"We will find the one to replace us I swear Marion," said Cecil he then looked at the others behind him, "Right guys."

"We swear," they both said.

"Alright I'll trust you," I responded.

"That's our girl," said Cecil with a hug.

They kept there promise. Turning everyone that came their way down. Until one day when Larry came in. The next day is when I found out. Cecil said it was his handshake that convinced him. Gus said that he didn't like him at first but he wanted the job. I did not like it but I had to accept their decision.

I mostly work in the mornings to clean and on occasion clean after the museum closes. This afternoon was when they were officially leaving. I was going to see the new night guard with the others. We were standing behind the T-Rex skelen. Finally after a minute the new night guard walked up while fidgeting with his tie. Putting it in the right place.

"Larry your keys. Your torch. Gonna want to strap those to your belt," said Cecil as he was handing the items.

Larry looks confused but Gus showed where to put his torch.

"Now it can get a little spooky around here at night. So you might wanna put some lights on." Cecil said, "All right flashlight keys. What am I forgetting. Oh."

He looks down and grabs some paper out of his briefcase.

"The instruction manual," Cecil said.

"Instructions, you start with one- two- three-," said Gus.

Cecil closed his eyes in annoyance once Gus started talking. I almost wanted to join him.

"Four," said the night guard teasingly while rolling his eyes.

"Are you cracking wise."

Me and Larry looked at him very confused.

"I ought to punch you in the nose hopscotch," said Gus.

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