P r o l o g u e

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Ryan sat nervously in between an empty chair and his mother, Luci Higa. His father sat on the other side of his wife, happily chatting with Arden's mother and father. His brother had yet to show.

Arden sat opposite of Ryan, completely ignoring his presence by taking fake interest on her perfectly manicured nails. Ryan bit his lip, and fiddled with his fingers, looking around the restaurant to find something to distract him.

A happy couple sat two tables down away from them, clearly having fun on their fancy date as they kissed passionately and fed each other food. A little toddler burped and giggled, which made Ryan smile.

A phone rang, and it came from Ryan's mother. He looked at her, and suddenly her smile turns into a frown.

"What's wrong, mum?" He whispers.

"Your brother can't make it tonight." She announced, sighing.

"Well since he's not coming, should we order?" Wendell Higa took his menu and flipped through it.

Everyone on the table flipped through their menus, except Arden who was quietly tapping away on her phone texting her boyfriend.

"Arden." Her mother hissed through her teeth, wearing a fake smile. "No phones at the table. Show some manners, please."

Arden rolled her eyes, but obediently placed her phone back down on her lap. She hadn't glanced once towards Ryan's direction.

"What are you ordering?" Her father asks.

"I'm not hungry." Arden mumbled.

"Get her some pasta, honey." Arden's mother places a hand on her husband's shoulder, and he nods.

A pretty waitress came to take their order, and she gracefully poured them all a glass of red wine. Arden takes her glass and takes a swig from it, nearly choking from the unexpected sweetness.

"Take it easy, there." Ryan jokingly gave her a smile from across the table. This was the first time she ever looked at Ryan for the whole night. She took a few seconds to scan him, and concluded that he looked pretty decent in his worn out navy blue sweater, spiked up hair and huge, bright eyes. Arden decided not to reply to him.

After their food were placed down on the table, everyone dug into their dinner, and instantly discussed about business and current events. Arden poked at her pasta with her fork, not having any appetite to eat. From the corner of her eye, she could see Ryan throwing quick glances at her.

"Take a photo, why don't you?" Arden snaps. "It'll last longer!"

Ryan's cheeks turn a rosy red, and he quietly stabs a carrot. The adults look at her from her sudden outburst.

"Sorry." She mumbled.


Two ice cream bowls, and 5 embarrassing stories later, Arden's father cleared his throat and smiled at everyone around the table.

"As you know, Wendell and I have been friends since high school." The fathers both exchanged a secretive, excited grin.

"Yeah, so?" Arden gave them a look to hurry up and get to the point.

"Well, they both have an amazing surprise!" Arden's mother clapped her hands. Luci clapped along with her in the same giddiness.

"Just get to the point please." Ryan muttered.

Arden picks up her second glass of wine just as Ryan's mother announced the 'amazing surprise'.

"Arden, this is Ryan your fiancé."

Ryan starts coughing, Arden chokes on her drink, and the parents clink glasses at the celebration.

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