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Arden's eyes widened as she saw the bright headlights of a car speeding towards her with a high pitched screech. She willed her whole body to move, but her feet were firmly stuck to ground, leaving her to feel like a deer. Arden screamed as she expected the vehicle to hit her, but instead landed safely in the arms of Ryan.

The crack of Ryan's bone echoed through Arden's ears, and she opened her eyes to the sight of Ryan wrapping his arms protectively around her. She felt the tears well up in her eyes as she observed the cut on Ryan's forehead, releasing blood like there was no tomorrow. He mumbled something and gave her a tiny smile before he went unconscious.

"Ryan, can you hear me?" She sobbed, feeling helpless. "I'm calling for help now, please be okay." Arden's hand shook violently as she dialled for an ambulance. Her voice cracked, trying to explain to the person on the other end of the line what happened.

"Ma'am, please calm down. Tell me where your location is," Arden could feel her heart sink. She didn't know where she was, there were no street signs, no nothing. Just a dark alley a few meters off to where she sat with Ryan, and an empty road with dim lighted lamps.

"I don't know," She whispered.

"Okay ma'am please turn on your location services so we can track down your phone. Help will be on the way." The man on the other line assured.

"Please hurry!" Arden begged. She set down the phone, and ripped off some fabric from her shirt to wrap around Ryan's forehead. Lifting his head gently, she placed it on her thigh to elevate his posture. She spoke to Ryan, occasionally squeezing his hand letting him know that she was there for him. Under the moonlight, Ryan looked like he was in a peaceful sleep. She sat there for a long five minutes praying for Ryan.

When the sound of sirens sounded not so far off, she wiped the tears falling on her cheek as she prepared Ryan to be taken by the paramedics. It was the longest few minutes of her life, and Arden watched as they carefully placed Ryan into the stretcher and into the ambulance.

"Are you his girlfriend?" A stubby woman with a short pixie haircut, walked up to Arden, a clipboard in her hands.

Arden licked her dried chapping lips. The next words that came out surprised her, but she didn't care at the moment. "I'm his fiancée."

The woman nodded her head and led Arden to where Ryan was.

The ambulance started to move, and she held onto Ryan's hand. "Ryan i'm sorry for being such a bítch to you." Ryan breathed through the oxygen mask, causing it to fog up. It made her a little better to know he was still alive and breathing.

When they arrived at the hospital, the paramedics rushed Ryan into the Emergency Room. Arden held firmly onto Ryan, refusing to let go.

"Ma'am, we have to take him away for now. We will inform you if he wakes up." The same woman rubbed Arden's shoulder, to comfort her. "Jim, please take care of this girl's bruises."

Arden gave Ryan one last squeeze before he was wheeled away into the big green doors.

n/ update yay. update again tmr maybe? :3

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