t h r e e

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Ryan pressed his ear against his bedroom door, trying to make out the words his parents were talking about to Kyle. They were downstairs in the kitchen, and even though they were meant to be supposedly whispering, Ryan could hear bits of their conversation.

"...my girlfriend." Was all Ryan heard from Kyle. "I'm bringing her to introduce..."

Of course, Kyle was still together with his girlfriend. They've been dating for four years , and he's only bringing her home to introduce now. It angered him to think about the poor girl he cheated on. Ryan wanted to badly wreck Kyle, to show him how he felt in the past few months. He wanted him to suffer like he did.

Ryan threw himself on the bed and stared up at his plain, cracking ceiling. He had shut everyone out, especially his best friend Sean. He hadn't thought to consider about how Sean must've felt when he had stopped talking to him. Ryan felt the guilt eat him up like a very hungry caterpillar.


To: Mr. Fuji 🐰
Sorry for shutting you out in these last few months...
Do you want to hang out sometime...?
I miss my best friend.

[ Not sent ✖️]


Ryan reread his message, his thumb hovering over the send button. After a few thoughts, he saved the text as a draft, and decided not to send it. What if Sean didn't want him as a best friend anymore?

Reality hit Ryan like a pile of bricks. He shut his eyes and tried to shut the world out, plugging earphones in his ears and pressing play on his favourites playlist. Ryan slowly drifted slowly into a deep sleep.


"I never wanted you, Ryan."

Tarynn's voice echoed as she pushed Ryan back to the wall of his bedroom. Kyle walked in, a smirk plastered on his face. Ryan slowly slid down and sat in the floor clutching his legs close to his face. Tarynn and Kyle towered above him, with torturing smiles.

"She wants me Ryan. Not you."

Kyle gave Ryan another triumphant smile. He rocked back and forth on the floor.

"No one wants you." Tarynn taunted.

"But, Tarynn." Ryan finally had the courage to speak up. "I asked you if you loved me. You said that you do..."

"Everyone tells a lie once in a while Ryan." Tarynn looked taller and more confident. "I said i do, when really i don't"

"Face the truth Ryan." Kyle took Tarynn's hand and led her out the door. The light of Ryan's window reflected on something shiny in Tarynn's finger. Ryan squinted, and finally he figured out that it was a engagement ring. "Life sucks for you."

"Goodbye, Ryan!" Tarynn blew Ryan a fake flying kiss, showing of her ring.

His name echoed, until it gave him a headache.


Ryan sat in his bed in cold sweat, panting heavily. Sweat poured from his forehead. He looked around his room anxiously. The dream had felt so real. He could feel the touch of Tarynn's hand, when she pushed him against the wall.

It's just a nightmare.

Ryan reassured himself, taking calming breaths. A burst of laughter came from downstairs. His family were laughing without him. Ryan had never felt so alone. Kyle was the perfect son, that everyone liked. Ryan should've known from the start that Tarryn would eventually fall for Kyle. Ryan felt stupid for letting himself think he had a chance with her.

He had thought about the first time he had asked her out. Ryan was sick of having to admire Tarynn from afar, so he made the bold move to ask her out. When she had said yes, his heart had leapt over the moon. During the days and months, they had gone on dates. Maybe that was the time when Tarynn had genuinely like Ryan, until the time he introduced her to his family. Things had gone downhill ever since then, but Ryan hadn't realised.

Sean was always there to support him, through all the ups and downs Ryan had with Tarynn. Ryan was angry at himself for pushing away the person that cared for him the most.

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