Fighter #16 - Sheik

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- Originally, Sheik was merely a disguise/alter ego that OoT Zelda (and later TP Zelda) could switch into at will. Following the events of Subspace Emissary, however, OoT Zelda sought to provide additional aid in case other powerful and villainous beings attempted to destroy the world. She couldn't return to Smash herself, as she had royal matters to attend to, so she sent a clone of herself disguised as Sheik to offer the roster more strength. This is why Sheik has her own spot on the roster from Smash 4 onward.

- Whenever Vega shows up on the Spirit Board, he always attacks Sheik on sight. Vega finds her incredibly fascinating, expressing it in a way that is sadistic, aggressive, and almost...flirtatious?

- Cool guys never look at explosions. Sheik learned that the hard way after nearly blinding herself with her own burst grenade back in the day.

- Sheik has a tendency to just leave without saying anything, so during outings, the other fighters have to keep a real close eye on her. There have been way too many instances where she has just disappeared without anyone noticing for a while.

- Joker thinks she'd be a cool fighter to have a Showtime Attack with. She's got agility, she's got grace, and most of all, she's got style.

- Sheik usually tries to remain civil with Ganondorf, often steering clear of him whenever possible. But when these two are on the battlefield, that switch flips, and she becomes far more angry and aggressive toward him.

- Sheik acts as a guardian figure toward Zelda (the current one) and gets very protective of her when the villains are nearby.

- She is the ace of hand-standing competitions. Every time the kids invite her to take part in one, they always regret it immediately because she's bound to steal the win.

- When Sheik first came to Smash (as her own character), she didn't speak much and tended to be a loner. As time went on, though, she started to warm up and be a little more sociable.

- If Zelda's having trouble falling asleep, Sheik will whip out her harp and play various melodies. She'll always end off with Zelda's Lullaby, which never fails to lull the princess to sleep.

- Highly illusive, she barely leaves traces of her presence behind. Because of this, Master Hand has sent her on various spy missions to make sure the villains aren't plotting anything evil.

- Sheik can easily avoid attacks and projectiles in battle, but no matter what, she can not avoid spoilers on her favorite shows. She's so quiet that people forget she's there half the time, and they'll say something she wasn't meant to hear.

- Upon meeting Link, she was curious about what the Sheikah tribe was like in his universe. After their discussion, she got inspired and decided to change up her outfit to match the Stealth Set from his world.

- Sheik takes great care not to remove her mask around others. Ness and Lucas have tried all sorts of schemes to get her to reveal her face, but none of them have succeeded.

- The Ice Climbers weren't around when Sheik got her own spot, so they only thought of her as an alternate disguise. When they returned to Ultimate and found that Sheik was a separate person, they thought she was a ghost and got really scared of her for a few weeks.

- Despite her seemingly aloof exterior, she's a big softie at heart. She's often spotted making flower crowns with Zelda and Isabelle outside.

- She's the type who will sit there and seethe rather than have an outburst of anger. In fact, it's almost scarier. The way her red eye flares with deep, but restrained rage is extremely off-putting.

- She doesn't like playing her harp in front of anyone. When she wants to play it, she'll either lock herself in her room or wait until night to go up to the balcony. The only person she'll play for is Zelda, and even then, that's only for special occasions.

- She's one of the last to fall asleep within the mansion. Her nightly routine includes patrolling the perimeter of the grounds, making sure all doors and windows are locked, checking in on Zelda, and making sure her spare dagger is still beneath her pillow.

- Vega frequently tries to show off in front of Sheik, and if she does something cooler than him, he gets really pissed off. Ryu and Ken both try to keep him away from her as much as possible.

- She tries not to think too much about the fact that she's a clone, but every so often, she'll have a mini existential crisis about her reality and sentience. At this point, she's practically become her own person, distinct from the Zelda in her world, but could she even be considered real?

- Whenever she catches herself in this downward spiral, she takes out her harp and plays until she feels better.

- A sucker for poetry, Sheik keeps a journal filled with poems about other fighters, her experiences in Smash, things that make her happy, etc.

- Being a clone of OoT Zelda, she's memorized a lot of Impa's teachings and will often quote things she used to say.

- Sheik taught Pikachu a couple breakdancing moves. She's not an expert breakdancer herself, but she has a few tricks up her sleeve. She doesn't give herself enough credit, but she's a natural at dancing.

- Greninja and Lucario have become her best blue ninja buddies. In their spare time, they enjoy training together and secretly making fun of Vega.

- To help maintain her flexibility, she'll often take yoga classes with Wii Fit Trainer. More often than not, Link is there, too.

- Sheik is not someone fighters want to piss off. Despite being a master of stealth, she is not afraid to resort to destructive methods to protect those she cares about.

- Zelda is the only person she will let braid her hair. No one else is allowed to come near it.

- Considering her close relationship with Lucario and Greninja, she's often put in charge of watching the Pokemon and taking them on strolls.

- As OoT Zelda's clone, she naturally takes a liking to the other Links, especially Young Link since they're essentially from the same universe. Over time, she becomes just as protective over Young Link as she is with Zelda.

- Her favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is Gerudo Valley (Remix). It's groovy, perfect for both fighting and dancing, and just fits her overall vibe. If this song is playing, she might suddenly break out into dance to distract her opponents. In all honesty, she doesn't really know what she's doing, but considering how smooth her moves are, she could've easily fooled the other fighters.

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