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Todoroki's POV

I reached to touch my face, confirming that it was just a dream, and not a hallucination. My cheeks felt wet, as if they've been crying. It's just a dream....

Why was I crying?

I hopped out of bed and went to my study desk, and took out my dream journal, writing down my dream. Everytime I felt like a dream has a meaning, I write it in this journal, and then research about it later on. Out of all the dreams I had, this was the most realistic one. Really got me confused for a second.

Then I realized something: it was still a school day! I sharply ran to check the time on my phone, and it read 7:15am. "Oh shoot, I'm going to be late!" I dashed into the closet to quickly change my pajamas. Then, I basically skipped the steps and slide down the rail right by the stairs, running quickly towards the door, until I heard someone call my name. I quickly turned around, and saw Fumi standing by the kitchen, holding out a fresh banana. I swiped it out of her hand, and quickly rushed out, shutting the door behind me. While running on my walk to school, I peeled the banana peel, and did a basketball shot to the trash can, landing it right in the middle. Score!

After a few minutes, I finally reached the school gates. I looked at the time on the clock, and it read 7:28am. Phew, I made it this time. Don't wanna get my ass beaten.

Suddenly, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. It startled me, as I swayed the hand away, and turned to look at person who did it, which happened to be Midoriya.

"Hey, Shoto-kun!" He said cheerfully as he matched up my pace. I didn't have time to talk to him, and started to walk faster. He didn't seem to get it, because he continued to try and catch up to me. "Is something wrong?" I ignored him again and started to walk even faster. Finally, he seemed to get the hint, because he backed off soon after, while I was busy trying to get to class on time.

Sorry Midoriya, but I'm trying not to be beaten again.


~After final class~

After what felt like forever, class finally came to a close. Seriously, it can be so exhausting.

I walked to my locker, and opened it, revealing a note falling down from my locker. Curious, I picked it up and read what it said.


7pm, StarWalk Park, sharp.

Be there, or be SQUARE.


What does he want from me now? I finished grabbing my stuff out of my locker, and walked out of the school gates. On my walk back home, I kept re-reading the note that Bakugo gave to me. Could it be that he wants the money? I was so lost in thought, that I didn't hear someone call out my name.

"Shoto!" He reached out to touch my shoulder, making me jump a bit. I didn't notice him coming at all. "Are you ok, you wouldn't talk to me last time." He spoke out of concern. I sighed and shook my head.

"It's nothing." I mumbled and started to walk. He catched up to me, and blocked my path, forcing me to stop and listen to him.

"You've never acted like this before. Is something bothering you?" My eyes turned to look at his with pure frustration. He doesn't need to know what's going on.

"I said, it's nothing!" I raised my voice a little bit, making him back up out of hesitation. I shoved him lightly out of the way. I could feel him looking at me with hurt eyes, but I didn't want him to be in my business.

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