Dead next door

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     When they arrive at school after an hour, they head to Jace's dorm room. Jace unlocks the door, and when they all walk in, they see Juan with a bloody head. Lace starts to get worried, "Juan, what happened? Are you okay?"

Juan starts to get mad and says, "Does it look like I'm okay? I have glass on my face, and I ran because of the cops, of course."

Lace remembers that Jace smashed Juan's head into the window to open it. "We have no choice... you need to calm down."

Jace starts to get aggravated with Juan's tone. Juan raises his voice, "We did have a choice; you're just an asshole."

They start going back and forth about various subjects. Lace and the two other boys start to get annoyed about the whole situation. "Can we all stop being bitches for one second? None of this matters at this point; we are all safe, and that's what matters," Damien says, getting angry with their arguing.

They all start to calm down after he says that. "I think we should all just head back to our rooms and go to sleep. Tonight has been eventful," Lace says as she yawns.

Ellie notices that she's tired, "I agree with Lace; let's go back to our dorm."

He turns to her with a small smile. She looks at him and starts to notice that he's not as bad as she thought he was. "Okay, if we are going to sleep, get the fuck out of my dorm room," Jace says, still kind of angry with Juan. He starts to push all of them out, while Damien goes, "You won't even give me a goodnight kiss? I thought I meant more to you..."

Jace looks at him with disgust and slams the door in their faces. Lace and Ellie start walking back to their dorm; the hallway is dark. They hear a big bang from where they just came from. Lace starts to get scared, while Ellie pulls her closer and starts to walk faster to their dorm room. They get in their room and lock the door.

"What was that noise? Should we be worried?" she asks him hesitantly.

"No, nothing to be worried about. It will be fine, let's just go to sleep," he says, noticing she is scared. They both fall asleep on the couch because they don't feel safe staying in their rooms alone.

The next morning, they are startled by a knock on the door. Ellie gets up to open it. One of the staff members is at the door. "Good morning, you two. I just wanted to let you know that last night someone in Dorm B was stabbed, and we are on lockdown until we can make sure everybody is safe."

Lace gets chills, wondering if that was the big bang she heard. She grabs her phone and starts to call Jace. "Have you heard what happened last night? You are in Dorm B. Are you alright?" she asks, her hands shaking.

"I'm fine. It's scary knowing someone got stabbed, but I'm sure we are all safe. I have to go, though. Stuff I need to deal with. I will speak to you later, Lace," he says, hanging up the phone.

Lace looks at Ellie, and he notices her hands are shaking a lot. He walks over to her and grabs her hand. "Everything will be alright. We don't have to worry about it. As long as we are in here, everything will be alright... okay?" She nods her head and calms down a bit.

They hear another knock on the door. Ellie sighs, "What do you want now?" as he opens the door.

Jace is standing at the door with Juan, Kyra, Damien, and two other people from the party last night. "You guys really think we are staying in these dorms all day? Get your asses ready... we are going out!" Jace says with a smile on his face.

( This is a shorter chapter, the next one will be longer. )

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