lost. but found..?

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After they heard the scream, everyone was shocked and worried about what the noise was. Jace came out of the bathroom, scaring Lace and Liam on the couch. "What the hell was that noise?" Juan started having a panic attack. "Guys, we have to leave. I don't have a good feeling about this place anymore."

Everyone started to walk out of the cabin to find the others. They were all there except for Eli. "Where is Eli? Someone go find him," Lace said, getting really worried. Jace and Eric went into the house together to find Eli while the others waited outside. They heard a big crash inside the house, then Jace ran out screaming, "Eric went ballistic, smashed the window, and ran out, plus Eli is nowhere to be found."

Kyra started to get scared. "We need to leave right now. Everyone is losing their shit." Everyone headed to the car in the fog, not worrying about anything else, just leaving. Jace tried to open his car door, but it was locked. "You guys...the door is locked, and I can't find my keys." Juan started to panic even more than before. Alexia said quietly, "We can use my car. Don't worry, you guys follow me." They all rushed to Alexia's car, got in, and locked the doors.

Lace's Diary:
It's been five days since that happened. None of us have heard anything from Ellie and Eric. Did Eli just want to fuck and leave me? I don't understand. He told me he loved me. This is the last fucking time I'm messing with a guy ever again, honestly. But then, at the same time, I'm worried about him. What if he's not okay? What if he needs me? It's been so lonely in this dorm room alone without him. But I guess we just have to keep pushing until he comes home.

Lace finished writing in her diary and put it under her pillow. She got up to go to her first class in days. As soon as she walked out the door, Eric was standing there with blood all over his face. She started to think about how he found out where she went to school and everything. He came closer and whispered that he needed help. Looking around, she saw Liam standing behind him. She took a deep breath and let them both into her dorm. She took Eric's hand to clean him up in the sink.

"I found him outside in the woods from the other night. He isn't speaking that much. I found your address because I remember you telling me about your college," Liam said, kind of worried about his best friend.

"Well, does he remember what happened to him?" Lace asked.

Liam looked at her and said, "No, he doesn't. He barely remembers his own name."

She was confused but then got startled by a loud knock on the door. They walked to the door and opened it to see Jace and Alexia. They walked in, and Alexia rushed to Eric to make sure he was okay. Jace looked at Lace to see what happened and why they found where they went to school. Lace took Jace to the side and explained everything that had happened. After they all calmed down a bit from the entire situation, they started thinking about what to do next.

"Whatever did that to Eric must be what happened to Eli," Jace said, facing Lace as he could tell her heart was sinking.

"Well, all I can say is we need to keep an eye on things from now on so nobody else gets hurt," Lace said, taking a deep breath.

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